What Did Santa Bring You?

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Wow, there's a lot of joy in getting gifts, praise satan, i mean santa;) Thanks, folks.


  • creativhoney

    a bad cold.

    a turkey dinner I couldnt taste.

    a water filter and some bath things from my sister, and a DVD.

    an arsehole of an ex boyfriends news of his latest date while at my house asking for my old phone and to sew his coat, but Im not having sex with you this week I have a date on thurs.

    the usual..

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    A Wii Fit Plus... the whole family is loving it!

    Hubby and I did a together gift. Gas logs for the fireplace. Now we just have to get them hooked up!

    Chocolate, lip gloss, lotion, an Elvis CD and some playing cards.

    And the ham cooked up wonderful! It was yummy...not too salty and really moist! You just never know with ham!

    Oh yeah, an umbrella and bacon cooker and pill boxes (for a purse) from Grannie.

    Cash from Dad and Grandma.

    The best gift:

    Almost three weeks with the whole family home and kids who loved their presents and actually have played with them almost non-stop.

  • Elsewhere


    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -- Benjamin Franklin

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