just weird. So says my daughter. When we moved to Indiana seven years ago when she was 5 and she doesn't remember a Christmas without snow. A sunny mild Christmas day is just plain foreign to her. I think it's funny she feels that way.
No snow on Christmas day is...
by mrsjones5 10 Replies latest jw friends
Some day she will appreciate it. Snow= temporary awe followed by extended inconvenience and mess.
Maybe you could send her to my house in NE Ohio for the rest of her vacation from school, and she can freeze her little behind off right where I'm freezing my big behind off! LOL.
compound complex
Seasons Greetings to you and yours, Mrs. Jones!
Almost three weeks ago we had a winter wonderland here, a mere 45 minute drive from you. At a higher elevation, of course!
Nothing since, except some showers.
lol, yeah I think my daughter has selective memory loss. She's forgotten how miserable it is to try and run around in near 0 degree temps.
Yeah Coco, all the snow has melted away? My kids are a bit incredulous to the fact that all we get here in the lower elevations during the winter is rain.
Snowstorms are a socia-commie-fascist-nazi conspiracy to destroy the world.
That is why we need Global Warming.
It's really nice wether in Oz at the moment it'sonlt about 25 degrees C Bom says it's going to get to the mid thirtys. if i say snow here on cristmas (or any day for that matter) I would Freak out! HAVE A HAPPY SUNNY CRISTMAS!
We had rain in the Northeast, even after that blizzard they had east of us. And the other snowstorm missed us, too--all we had was about an inch on the ground at 7 AM (just enough for an official white Christmas).
But I still remember the year that, had we not got a few inches of snow, I would have been dragged out in field circus on Christmas Day. That was the year I got invited dragged to spend Christmas Eve at the house of one of the hounders and their family. The plan was for me to attend the boasting session (a book study) there, spend the night there, and we all go out in field circus on Christmas Day. Due to the snow, the father had to work to remove it, and I got spared field circus because of that. As it was, I wasted the day getting dragged to an empty a$$embly hell and an empty Kingdumb Hell.
Snow? I went to the beach today and got in the water!
Fue muy frio, though....