finding support

by notewe 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StoneWall
    Still a newbie! First post I have ever made.

    I think you meant first topic/thread you ever made since your post count was at 7.

    (but very understandable, I've done similar)

    As far as support, I believe you will find it here and find it in abundance.

    This site has helped us all in some form or fashion and I'm sure it will for you as well.

    Remember how when we were going to the hall they told us not to hate the person but hate the wrongdoing.

    I still live by that even as regards the witnesses. I do not hate any of them as far as the person goes.

    Just don't like when they do wrong and then try to deny or cover it over. Or intentionally hurt others by breaking up family.

    If they as well as others would live by what is recorded at Matt.5:43-47 the world would be a much nicer place for all.

    "YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ However, I say to YOU: Continue to

    love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU; that YOU may prove yourselves sons of YOUR Father who is

    in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and

    unrighteous. For if YOU love those loving YOU, what reward do YOU have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same

    thing? And if YOU greet YOUR brothers only, what extraordinary thing are YOU doing? Are not also the people of the

    nations doing the same thing?"

  • cantleave

    Hi Notewe, WELCOME. how far are you in the leacing process? do you have family in ? Where are you based? I am in the UK, I would be delighted to chat with you if you want just PM me.

    If you haven't done so already read Raymond Franz book Crisis of Conscience, it has helped many of us to break free of the mind control by fear that the WT puts in our heads.

  • Chalam


    I just suggest finding some new friends in your area.

    Make some at work or join some clubs for sports or other leisure activities.

    If you still want to know the Creator then get a new bible and get rid of the corrupt WT publications and NWT.

    Plenty of credible ones for free here and here

    Happy Christmas :)



  • asilentone

    You can visit the Apostafest section and you might find some posters to contact.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Welcome Notewe, you have already received excellent advice from the above posters. It does take time to to over feelings of guilt and a sense that you are evil (you are not). Sometimes you think that experiences you had within the organization were unique or your treatment was different, but it really helps to read old posts from different people and places and find similarity, which I found very comforting. Keep reading. NMKA

  • nugget

    Leaving is a good thing not a bad thing. Leaving does not make you evil. You are having to adjust to a new situation which can be a lonely process any here would be happy to talk to you. After all most share similar experiences.

  • notewe

    Thank you for all of the response! Actually quite surprised and grateful. I presently am in Canada...Alberta to be more specific. I was raised as a Witness. Up to two years ago was one of those that people looked to as one of the "examples"....or strong ones as it were. But I have always struggled with feelings that I do not measure up. I remember when I was 7, a brother talking about the New System from the stage...and how it would be with the animals in paradise. I started to cry because I didn't want the New Order to come yet. I felt I wasn't good enough, and would be destroyed. Something a little wacked about that if you ask me. Why would a 7 year old not be good enough? But thru the years, even while I was pioneering, I have never felt that feeling that I am "blessed". Or having a portion of the Holy Spirit, like others speak of. I would come away from the convention or assembly depressed. It always felt like I had just spent hours/days being told that I still was not measuring up. I realize that some of this is because I am a person that tends to be an over achiever, but at some point I should have felt loved, or good about being in the organization shouldn't have I? And when I started to miss meetings, all those people that were my friends, "family", who I was always there for as their confidant, and support, where were they? No where. Actually got attitude. Like I was bad association because I missed a couple of weeks in a row of meetings. To be fair...not by EVERYONE. But definitely from the shepherds in the congregation. This just confirmed to me that I don't measure up! Guess I just finally gave up...

    Anyways...not trying to do the poor me thing. There is of course MUCH more to the story that have lead me to this decision. I just am having a hard time moving on. I don't have any family....I had made those in the congregation my family. I need to move on, and it is hard for others to understand that have never been one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Looking forward to getting some constructive suggestions from some of you out there.

    Thanks again :)

  • coffee_black

    There's a helpline 1-800-why-1914. Marilyn is great to talk to. She's a counselor as well. It's a free call. Her husband just had bypass surgery, and she's not well herself...but she loves to man the helpline.


  • mouthy

    Welcome to "OUR HOME" Glad to have you aboard

    I too am in Canada if I can be of service call me collect if you like I am old 82 + but I do know how you feel

    but this is the 1st day to the rest of your life,,, it gets better when
    you clean out the mind from the control the WT placed in it .

    I love the Witnesses,but hate the Top Dogs who call themselves the Faithful & Discreet slaves

  • notewe

    Thank you both for the phone numbers!!

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