Pedophiles should have the death penalty

by Leprechaun 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • freydo

    Saw something the other day - "BRAND THEM LIKE CATTLE - RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES." (Ditto for other low lifes)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am against the use iof the term pedophile as it is used within the ex-JW community. Her eis why:

    The Definition of PEDOPHILIA by Mirriam-Webster is :

    sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

    While this does apply to many sexual perpetrators it does not by any means apply to all. Some facts:

    • Most perpetrators are known to their victim.
    • A great proportion of them are married and may even have their own children
    • A great many have sexual relationships that are with people who are not children (wives, girlfriends, other men and women)
    • Most sexual abuse is not about the sex. It is about the power and control just as it is with rape

    Pedophiles will seek out children. A father who is sexually abusing his children isn't necessarily a pedophile. He is most likely taking advantage of what is in front of him and easily accessible and very easily controlled. Many of the men who are married seem to think that by having sex with a child they are not committing adultery. They aren't trying to satify their sexual desire for a child. They are trying to satisfy their need for sex, power and control.

    I am also against the death penalty. In spite of having had numerous abusers, some strangers, some neighbors and most people who lived in the same house with me I have nor ever had any real desire to see them put to death.

    Sexual abuse, by iuts nature places a huge load of guilt on the victim. Maybe I should have run, or said NO, or stopped him (or her). Maybe I should have reported it earlier. Maybe I shouldn't have worn that dress or gone to the bathroom. Maybe I should have screamed. And a zillion other maybe's that weren't done and because they weren't done the victim feels like he or she did something wrong. The victim isn't responsible for the abuse but these thoughts actually help the victim believe that he or she had some level of control over what wqas happening to them. It is a defence mechanism that can take years of therapy to overcome.

    Now if we kill Uncle Bill (I actually did have an Uncle Bill), Grandpa, Dad's best friend, Brother Joe who had two 5 kids and niw they don't have their dad, cousing Lucy, or even Dad himself we have added to the burden of guilt the victim feels. If I hadn't said anything I wouldn't be responsible for his or her death. People wouldn't blame me (cuz you know in JWland the victim will be blamed) and I KNOW my mother would have blamed me for the love of her life having been put to death and who was going to help her support all those kids.

    It is one thing for victims to know their abusers aren't out there hunting down more victims. It is another to think he or she is responsible for the death of another human being - yes they are still human beings even if they act worse than animals. I'm not saying victims are right in this thinking - only that this is what happens in their heads due to the abuse and what their abuser and society tells them

    my 2 cents

  • DaCheech

    just my 2cents, and let's not name call like on other threads:

    murderers: if incarcerated and not able to proove not guilty within 10 years of original sentence --> should be executed

    rapists/pedophiles: if incarcerated and not able to proove not guilty within 5 years of original sentence --> should be castrated.

    rapists/pedophiles should not be ANY sexual predator --> for there are loopholes and classification problems with people doing other crimes, such as: exposing themselves, and/or 19-21yo having sex with 16 year old and these are grey areas.

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