How many of you have really gone through suicidal feelings, when you felt that no-one at all was out there to try to assist you? Did it help you to be told by so called friends, 'just pull your socks up!' Did you feel that such admonition was really daft and stupidly uncaring? That such ones had no idea of how to demonstrate compassion and/or understanding? I know, I've been there.
I want to ask a question, because for quite a while now here, I have been conducting one of my own psychological experiments with the board, main room posting area. Whenever I try to post anything to do with enabling assistance, practicable measures that could easily be taken, for the most part, one gets very few replies or a majority that are very negative by nature, as though damning this activity even before it gets a chance to be aired and/or getting off the ground, WHY is that?
I am now genuinely interested in the answer. Too, when one like myself posts quite frivolous material, suddenly replies pour in. To be frank, I'm puzzled by many individuals responses here.
Could you put me in the picture?
To experience suicidal feelings in isolation is like a cancerous poison passing through your internal system, all the senses are raw and obviously at these times you feel very vulnerable and left out in the cold, reassuring yourself, no matter how much it might not be founded in fact, that nobody loves you or really cares to assist you in your personal circumstances.
As a community here then, what more do you feel could be done, even idealistically, to bring such ones back to a sense of warmth and security once more?
Give me some proper positive feedback for once instead of negative bull, over to you.
Kind regards