Does Our Being Former JWs Affect Our Enjoyment of XMas?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    christmas was already ruined for me
    before i became a JW... i suspect that
    there are a lot of people who never
    associated in any way with the JWs
    that have horrific xmas issues

    as a child i was subjected to the bitter
    alcoholic vitriol my RC mother spewed
    at every single gathering we attended....
    humiliation was the gift that kept on giving....
    the xmas saying i remember best?
    "hurry up so we can get there so we can leave"

    add to that the joy of catching the late night flight
    on xmas eve to fly half-way across the country to
    spend the xmas holiday with my pervert father and
    his wife of the moment...

    nah... xmas was a bah-humbug from well before JDub-dumb,
    not to mention i spent more than one xmas ensconced in the bosom
    of OTHER FAMILIES' deeply dysfunctional xmas dramas....
    i am convinced it is that insane grasping for a "perfect xmas"
    that brings out the worst of neurosis in everyone!! give it up!!
    seriously, stop trying to have something that doesnt exist!!!

    these days.... i am in total flux... my 21 YO daughter, who desperately
    needs to attach to the holiday got a xmas pkg from me with all
    manner of xmas decorations and little gifties....thrift-store
    treasures to which she will give meaning... she was delighted

    my 3 boys? none of them seem overly concerned ...
    the oldest (24), out of work, is grateful i help with his car payment...
    the middle boy (18) , still trying to figure out more important life issues...
    the youngest (16) ... trust me, xmas relevancy is not the top of his list

    that being said, i encourage them ALL to determine what relevance there
    might be for them in the holidays and bring personal meaning to them, if
    they have that desire.... and to respect other people's POV, because
    meaning is personal..... if ya can't return a "merry xmas", at least say
    thank you for their intent...

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