First Christmas until ruined by family Jdubs

by foolsparadise 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586

    Well, don't them ruin another one. One of the great things about not going to the meetings and being around that depressing environment is the fact that I don't feel as much fear as I used to. It's good to know that there's nothing wrong in telling JWs to eff off. I hope you can get to that point by next Christmas.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    I used to hide EVERYTHING that might remotely offend! All books that were religious in nature, any holiday decoration, kids birthday name it I hid it.

    We only had a visitor a couple times a year due to the distance between all of us.

    One day, I decided we are who we are. They know our stand. I'm not hiding it. If they don't like it...too bad. I've even considered doing a christmas theme in my kitchen to keep up year round!

    We worked ourselves silly getting Christmas decorations put away one year to just have my mom say she wouldn't talk to us anymore and stay in their motorhome the whole time my dad (non JW) visited for a few days. Might as well have left it all up!

    It takes time to come to terms with everything and take your stand. Funny saying. Take your stand. Just be who you are and enjoy your family. That is, if you are ready to deal with any fallout.

    We are who we are and there's nothing wrong with that. We can enjoy life free from fear. It just takes time to get there. Keep climbing those mountains! The view is great at the top!

  • JimmyPage

    This year I cranked up the Christmas music and danced around with my daughter. We watched "Rudolph" and all the other Christmas cartoons together. I bought her presents and introduced her to Santa Claus at the mall.

    Meanwhile, my JW wife was thoroughly depressed and couldn't wait for the season to end.

    I think I made progress with her, though, cuz we went over to the "worldly" neighbors' house on Christmas Day and ate dinner (they told her it wasn't a holiday meal so as not to offend her).

    The most touching moment, though, was when my daughter was putting ribbon on a flowerpot. I said, "What are you doing?" She said, "I'm making a present for Mommy." I just had to tell my wife about it- and, of course, she agreed how sweet of her it was.

  • foolsparadise

    Kitten whiskers.......................................i loved everyone elses response but yours really hit home...thank u. My wife is sick of pretending but I told her I am about 6 months behind where she is at. Next year I will not care what these fools think..........I have no doubt. Thank u all!!

  • WTWizard

    If they tried that on me, I would simply tell them that if they don't like it, I will put up some more.

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