I was reading this article on http://www.watchman.org/jw/1914hst1.htm and this paragraph struck me as particularly interesting:
"Apparently the Society feels that the judgment period has stretched too far. Its been over 80 years since the judgment began in 1914. They are now saying the Bible, "does not show that such judging would continue over an "extended period of many years" (Watchtower, 15 October 1995, p. 22). So the Society now says that Christ sat down as King in 1914, but he did not sit down as Judge in that year. "Although Jesus is now King of the Kingdom, his further activity mentioned in Matthew 19:28 will include sitting on a throne to judge during the Millennium. At that time he will judge all mankind. . ." (Watchtower, 15 October 1995, p. 21). So the sheep and goats judgment is not current since 1914, it is the future - during the Millennium."
So in this 15 October 1995 Watchtower article the Society dramatically reinterpreted Jesus judgment as no longer starting in 1914 because the bible does not show that such judging would continue over an "extended period of many years." (If someone can post the entire article that would be very useful, thanks.)
Why is 80 years or more regarded as a scripturally unjustifiable "extended period of many years" for the period of judgment by Jesus, and yet it is not an unjustifiable "extended period of many years" for the Devil's "short period of time" after his being hurled from heaven per Revelation 12:12?
It's been nearly 100 years (since 1914-18) of the Devil's supposed "short period of time" so why is that not also considered to be an "extended period of many years" not supported by the bible? What is the difference? If by 1995 it was decided that it was too long a period of time for Jesus to have been "judging" since 1914 then why is it not too long for Satan's "short period of time"?
There is absolutely nothing in Revelation 12 to support the idea that the "short period of time"(v.12) would be for an "extended period of many years" any more than the judging by Jesus in Matthew 25:31-33 would be for an "extended period of many years." Yet JW's don't even bat an eyelid at this contradiction.