Have a laugh at these cringe-worthy Watchtower interpretations. JW's must be so embarrassed.

by yadda yadda 2 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Here is what I come away with.

    Ever meet a Do-it-yourself guy who is always puttering around the house? The job never ends. The project is never finished. There is always a tweek, repair, new coat of paint.

    Or, the guy who always has the hood up on the car.

    Or, the obsessive-compulsive person who stacks and restacks, straightens, alphabetizes, hand-washes, etc. etc?

    What do all the above have in common?


    I think of it as an indication of a personality type drawn to a particular interest BECAUSE they are mentally made that way!

    Russell, Franz, William Miller, Rutherford EAT THIS STUFF for breakfast!

    They are END TIMES NERDS in the extreme.

    They just can't ever get enough!

    They are internally compelled to rejigger their figures, computations and applications over and over and over!!

    It transcends being right and wrong--it is pathological in nature. They MUST do it!!

    A dog must chase cars and a JW must rejigger chronology!!

  • carla

    Marking, Thank You!

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