nugget these articles are only advice, wich means take it or leave it. if you choose to ignore it then be "happy " with the "friends " you have. again when people try to pick the message apart and debate it then you miss the point the bigger picture wich is for a person that wants to serve Jehovah in an approved manner then follow the advice 1cor 15:33 do not be mis-led bad association spoils useful habits.
Interesting WT Study today...Friendship
by monkeyman 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Aussie Oz
a scan or the date of the watchtower please!
for those of us unlucky enough, who are no longer priveledged to have fine friends such as discussed because we cant go to the K/H
Surely you jest
Disgusting article.
WTS is a dangerous mind-control cult. Some family members can disobey all the directives and keep contact with DA'ed or DF'ed family. Some family members can easily keep contact with a fader. Some cannot, but you stand a fighting chance with family.
Friends who are faithful to the WTS and Jehovah-of-the-Watchtower will not remain friends with such ones the vast majority of the time.
lgadsden, you are full of BS for what you say. You are spoiling your useful habits by being here and reading such trash. Get in line with your 1cor 15:33 if you believe it.
these articles are only advice
.......and the consequences for not taking that advice? The freedom to just walk away? Absolutely not! The society does its best to ensure your life seriously disrupted including breaking up up your family and tearing your so called JW friends away.
1 CO 15:33 - my favorite overused misinterpreted tired old JW chestnut. It's getting to be about all you hear anymore. I can testify to that personally in my case (i.e. family members)... the favorite of poor little kids trotted out to the platform for being Good Little Du(m)bs. "I don't got no wordly friends 'cos Bad Associations Spoils Useful Habits! And you're a Bad Association, and I'm a Useful Habit."
I swear to God the above quote from a poor little JW kid at a recent convention is true.
APOSTATE ALERT!!! All Useful Habits please vacate the premises immediately!
My sisters ex boyfriend phoned her the other day in tears,, he had a judicial coming up. 13 missed calls. numerous texts.. Ill always be your friend mentality.
he was scared he was going to be given the boot, and so he tried to get some outcasts on his side
apparently it went ok, after two hours of blaming it all on her since she left a while back so he blamed her break up as messing with his head.
today she messaged to see how it had gone./
she had a reply saying ok, who is this please?
Asshole knows her no off by heart - he was acting like that as if I cant have anything to do with you because now hes been given the all clear, he can get all over righteous again.
no witness was ever a true friend to me.
well one or two but they all left too and the one thats still in is miserable and on valium.
I have a useful habit.
It isnt black, and the Witchtower Babble and Trash Society says god will kill people for it....
The Doc says my prostate is healthy. Wheee!
I remember those articles--and, in order to be and remain "friends", one has to believe everything the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out in their washtowel rags. Now, suppose two people have a deep love of God. One day, a Washtowel article comes out. One of them sees a blatant inconsistency in that article, and is able to use the Bible to prove the Washtowel is wrong. The other does not. Remember, both love God--are they going to remain friends?