Most of the "layoffs" occurred in the US, primarily because that's where most of the world's Bethelites were.
The workforce in the US was trimmed from approximately 6000-something to around 4000-something over the past 3 years or so.
I know of nothing other than anecdotal evidence - word of mouth from those who were directly affected. Of course with 2000 frustrated ex-Bethelites in the congregations, there's lots of that now!
I doubt there is anything in print - but if you have time, you might look up old yearbooks. Didn't they used to print something like "greetings from the 6000 members of NY Bethel" or some such, somewhere in there? Or maybe it's in the occasional WT article talking about Bethel life. In any event, a search of the WT CD might reveal that the count of Bethel members dropped precipitously between 2006 and now, with the (indirect) explanation being those "layoffs".