Surprise ! Surprise ! 2015 Arrives and NO Armageddon or World's " End " - Go Figure

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    End-Timers are often the way they are because they feel terribly disenfranchised and disoriented at the world around them and the rate at which it changes.

    Believing that it's all going to crash and burn any day now (but that they will survive) eases that feeling.

  • Heaven
    I predict that in 2015, the Zalkin Law Firm is going to continue to financially pound the WTB&TS. Go Zalkin!
  • BluesBrother

    Well here we are , halfway through the second decade of the 21st century - and still the "old world" carries on. Would you have believed it if ,like me, you were a small youngster in "it" in the '60's?

    Impossible ! "The Kingdom" was more real to us than anything of this world. I would never have accepted that this would be the outcome - but it is !

    The strange thing is that the current dubs do not seem to care. They carry on with their Witnessing as if they had never been told different. They are happily distracted with their trolley/carts, Ipads & JW tv. It is as if they just want a religion, any religion to follow and enjoy themselves in, and it does not really have to be real truth anymore 

  • WingCommander

    BluesBrother said:

    Well here we are , halfway through the second decade of the 21st century - and still the "old world" carries on. Would you have believed it if ,like me, you were a small youngster in "it" in the '60's?

    Impossible ! "The Kingdom" was more real to us than anything of this world. I would never have accepted that this would be the outcome - but it is !

    I was a youngster in the 1980's, and am now 35 yrs old!  I too cannot even fathom that we are past the year 2000, much less 2014!  The constant bombardment from the cradle on up was that the New System would be here before I even got to high school, surely before I graduated!  (I did, in 1997)  My son is 10, and I'm so glad I never filled his head with this end-of-world apocalyptic fear-mongering garbage!   


  • DesirousOfChange

    On New Years Day my wife and I were sitting around enjoying the "holiday" and I asked her: Do you realize what 2015 is?????    FORTY YEARS -- 40 years since the 1975 Fred Franz Boondoggle. We were just teenagers then. But look how it screwed up the potential lives of every JW kid from our "generation" (no reference to the new Overlap Generation here).

    Our kids with their "taboo" degrees (one a doctorate) are earning 2x or 3x what I ever earned at my peak earning potential.  We're at retirement age and though we're living a comfortable lifestyle, I'm still slaving away trying to "keep the rent paid". 

    Why oh why did it take me over 35 years to wake up?


  • smiddy

    Blondies one sentence simply stated ,  says it all.

    Whenever the WTS  predicts a time , they have to be wrong per Jesus


    OOps I have been beaten to it .

  • flipper

    Appreciate all the great replies ! Thanks ! Been working out of town so have some time finally to reply.

      ANDONTCALLMESHIRLEY- Very true, time is irrelevant when it comes to WT predictions. They just pull dates out of their rear end anyway. No rhyme or reason that has any grounding in reality. LOL. But like you said JW's will eat up these predictions every time in spite of these predictions never happening. It's the power of mind control my friend through FEAR and GUILT. Cannot underestimate the power of mind control.

      KAIK-  Congratulations on getting your advanced degrees through schooling after exiting the JW cult ! Good for you. Like yourself- both of my JW parents are in their LATE 80's  and still wondering WHY the alleged " Paradise " hasn't come yet. It's really sad that they've wasted over 60 years on an illusion. And watched as their bodies are breaking down, dying anyway in spite of the WT Society's false promises. After my parents die - I'm going to remind my older JW brother ( now 67 ) that our parents were lied to . That they were NOT supposed to die.

      BLONDIE- The reason WT Society doesn't care what Jesus wrote is not only that the WT leaders make up their own rules, but they THINK they have as much authority as Jesus or " Jehovah " - thus WT leaders feel they are allowed to interpret scriptures any old way they want to. They are THAT arrogant and THAT deluded.

      FINKELSTEIN-  Once again- the WT Society leaders don't give a rats a$$ about what Jesus wrote. They will manipulate and CHANGE that Biblical information to suit their own commercial and financial interests.

      CTRWTF-  Exactly. Most JW's ARE serving for a date but won't admit it openly. If we don't believe that then if the WT Society came out and said, " Oh ! We made a chronological mistake ! The New System is actually 1,000 YEARS away and we have to share this new light with you . " How many JW's would stay in the organization ? I think it might make quite a few reconsider. Who knows ? I may be wrong in that assumption but it will be interesting to see by 2050 how many JW's are left.

      ON THE WAY OUT- Happy New Year to you as well bro ! Good to hear from you ! I think within their private thoughts and even older JW's are starting to talk openly about their doubts that Armageddon hasn't arrived yet- the fact that it went OVER the 100 year mark into 2015 to me is significant from the view that if it didn't come in 2014 what makes them think it will come 20 years later in 2034. My prediction ? 2034 will come and go like the rest of the years into 2035 with still NO paradise. still NO Armageddon. I'd be willing to bet money and the ranch on that.

      VIDIOT- You bring up a very interesting point that I haven't considered before. The fact that JW's ARE looking for an escape route from the fast paced world we live in which they are trained NOT to adapt to or learn how to cope in by the WT Society. It fives them an illusionary feeling of security- even though in reality it's false security- yet to them they are deceived into thinking their salvation is " imminent " any day. Poor saps.

      HEAVEN- Yes indeed, I agree with your prediction for 2015 concerning the WT Society. I think the proverbial financial poop and negative media is going to hit the fan for the WT Society in 2015 and the Zalkin law firm is going to really expose WT leaders for what they are regarding child abuse. Should be interesting. To say the least.

      BLUES BROTHER-  I was a child of the 1960's like you- and when I was a committed JW - like you- I never would have predicted the present world would last until 2015- but here we are ! Like you stated I am amazed that most JW's don't sweat or worry about the end times or the dates predicted not coming. I think the younger ones don't care, but the older JW's closer to death DO care as they are on the short end of the stick. The end not coming is becoming more of a reality to them !

      WING COMMANDER-   I have a nephew that's your exact age and he stopped attending over 6 years ago. He too mentions the same things you do when we talk on the phone that he was told he'd never grow old or get married in this " system of things ". He even stands up to my older JW brother and his wife and tells him this stuff as well. It's amazing JW's don't see it but as I stated it shows the power of mind control by the WT Society- we cannot underestimate it.

      DESIROUS of CHANGE-  Good point you make. We who are over 50 years old and were raised into this WT crap- have paid a high price for having stayed in it for years ( I exited at age 44 after being born into it ) .  We can only hope our adult children don't make the same mistakes we did and any JW adult children we have will exit this damaging cult before they waste their entire lives in it. I'm going to work on getting my daughters out more feverishly I think this year.

      SMIDDY-  Once again, I feel the GB 2.0 feels that they ARE Jesus. At least they feel they have as much say and power as Jesus. If they keep claiming they have all this authority- after awhile rank & file JW's get used to hearing it and they believe it. Mind conditioning and thought control and reform. As Barnum stated years ago about marketing the circus, " There's a sucker born every minute ".  Right now there are over 8 million suckers worldwide being duped and deceived by the WT Society. Really sad




  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Where has all the great crowd gone long time passing

    where has all the great crowd gone long time ago

    where has all the great crowd gone

    gone to graveyards everyone

    when will they ever learn when will they ever learn

  • Finkelstein

    It pays to bear in mind that the WTS always used a strategy of fear to cultivate its following adherents. and is still used as one of its strongest components . 

    When one reflects on the entire history of this religious organization going right back to C T Russell, the founding member of the Watchtower Corporation,  its expressed doctrines were devised to draw attention to the literature, maybe proportionately out of ignorant understanding of bible interpretation, but that's where and how this religion was structured upon.  If ignorance was its inherent foundation, then corruption was built upon that ignorance, to structurally frame the religion , that's why today the organization is struggling now to hold onto its supporting followers, as well creating a highly controlling cult like personality around its GB leaders. 

    An establishment of power and control was built up and the following men basked and utilized that power to its fullest advantage . 

  • flipper


      NANCY DREW- Yep. The great crowd have all gone to the graveyard and those who haven't and are still living will all die. Millions now living will ALL die. It's a fact of life.

      FINKELSTEIN-  Exactly, good points. WT Society has used FEAR as a controlling and manipulating tool in keeping rank & file JW's in captivity for years. Even in Russell's time as you said the WT Society would use graphic illustrations of people dying at " Armageddon " God's alleged war. I'm sure it scared the crap out of people. I know it did me when I was a JW child growing up. The orange Paradise book was a good example. The illustrations in that book were hideous. I like how you state that the WT " corruption was built upon ignorance " that is SO true and WT Society leaders took advantage of rank & file JW's gullibility , fear, and ignorance to promote it's own financial well being. Good point

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