I think if they do they will have to make many revisions now that information is so prevalent on the Internet. And with all that is known about DNA and how it proves Darwin was right I don't see how they could. But I guess you can never put nothing past the Wt and it's crack smoking writers to dig up something ridiculous to blur the lines of reality for the friends, for sure its got to be way harder to write such a book today and keep a straight face.
Will the Society Ever Print Another Evolution Verse Creation Book?
by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't think a revision is necessary... Their books are not arguing against evolution as understood by the scientific community. So as long as they lie to the faithful as to what evolution actually is, then they can keep the 25+ year old refutations and it'll be as convincing today as when they were first published.
I mean, look at the title... "How Did Life Get Here? By Evolution or Creation".... If you tried telling a JW that evolution doesn't attempt to explain the ORIGIN of life, they wouldn't believe you. Or that evolution doesn't explain anything about the origin of the universe/solar system/sun/earth/rocks, etc. There is so little understanding as to what evolution actually DOES teach, that it doesn't matter what they print anymore.
The Society's Evolution book is what happens when you deny people an education.
Remember when they taught us that the creative days were 7000 years each.
Probably not a full book that discusses evolution in detail.
For awhile now they have been focusing less on evolution and more on the wonders of creation. This is especially evident in the Was It Designed series of articles and the new DVD The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory. These simply discuss a complex organism or biological mechanism and then say, or strongly imply, that there is no way these things could have come about without an intelligent designer.
Every now and again, they come out with their extraordinary garbage like the REVELATION GRAND CLIMAX or the CREATION book.
I don't see a similar book in the pipeline for a very long time, simply because they are cutting back on expensive books.I expect their product to continue getting cheaper and cheaper.
Yeah I kinda agree Jabber that any book will focus on the wonders of creation and no doubt be written in the My Book of Bible Stories type of format with gobs and gobs of pictures for eye candy.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I'm hoping they will publish something like The Uniquely Created Marvelous Species of the Entire Planet--How it All Fit Inside Noah's Tiny Floating Box.
OTWO's comment sums up evolution!!
The Watchtowers' earlier hardcover books were mass produced for a book reading population, although comparatively expensive with todays versions to produce, still maintained a high degree of quality (considering they are some basically small unknown religious group). And yes, the books they produce will get cheaper and the quality will go down (probably 99% paperbacks, on thinner paper)... Western society is slowly moving from a book based culture to an electronic one......evolution happening within our lifetime!!!
Its beautiful in a, I suppose, sick way to observe the watchtower evolve with the passing years......evolution is about survival and they're doing alright in that regard. They are the masters of adaptation!!
Here is some comments by Alan Feuerbacher on the Creation book: