One of my children was a twin. I'm hoping that by stating this, I'm not giving too much of my identity away, but here I go anyway.
One child a twin, only survivor. It was always told to this kid that the twin would maybe be met in the "new system". It was asked of me tonight now that we don't go to the meetins anymore, how would we ever see the twin. Obviously the child thinks that others will still get the reward, and since we chose holidays and birthdays and freedom on weekends, that they won't get that prize. How sad. I'm just struck over and over again how deeply this religion was engrained in our lives, even for our young children.
The other thing we hear regularly is "Not as strong/big/high/smart/(etc) as Jehovah!!" By another one of our children. We don't even TALK about Jehovah, God, or religion in our house at all, and it's been 6 months since we've set foot in a Kingdom Hall. This child is younger than school age. It truly makes my heart ache for all the indoctrination I allowed, encouraged, and personally did. Wondering how long it will take before it fades away, and they are free of it, and "normal" kids.
PS. Also, a lunchbox for our family was found as we were cleaning out a closet, and one kid insisted keeping it, because it was for assemblies of course. SIGH