Memorial invitation 2010

by dozy 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • free2beme

    How do you come to this board and still attend the Kingdom Hall? Honestly, I left in 1997 and never looked back and even coming to boards like this occasionly to see what is up ... is a bit much for my taste to listen to Witness bull crap (You can see from my post history, it is rare). I wonder though, how do you go still and come here and know what the real "Truth" is. Is it the whole, keeping a foot in the door, so that you can make it threw to the New System ... just in case? I can assure you, they are wrong and have been since day one. The sooner you can just say ENOUGH and not look back, the sooner your life can be YOUR life. I know, this opens up a topic of people defending why they go and so on. Just look inside, be honest with yourself ... either you are, or are not a Witness. You only have so many days in this life, don't live in regret of all the time you wasted.

    Just my thought on the matter.

  • Gordy

    For about 2-3 years after I stopped going to meetings I never once received a Memorial invite, not even a phone call.
    I didn't even get a vist from an Elder never mind an invitation.

    Then after I DA'd nothing then, not surprising of course.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it's been years since we had a memorial invite

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