Indoctrinated JWS are machined to support God's Organization, this is another aspect how fear and provocation controls their minds.
There is the no scriptural reference to imply that after the 6th millennium of mans existence on earth that god would begin to set
up his own kingdom on earth. Once again the WTS does and has shown many times that they go beyond what is written in the bible.
This said calculation of 6000 years is just a lying deceiving joke anyways since its impossible for anyone to make an exact calculated number
since there is no exact chronological dating documentation from those ancient times.
The WTS business profile is this, print out proclamations that state that they are god's own solemn organization on earth,
put forth lies and deceiving speculation that the world is about to be destroyed soon by god and that the only
way to be saved is to become a devout JWS and follow all of the WTS rules/laws/directions.
Manipulate the followers to buy and sell more of the WTS. literature which creates money for the organization and
creates more followers to do the same, only to further expand the business and profits.
Then take the acquired monies and invest it into asset growing opportunities, such as real estate and mutual funds.
The latest money making scam they're involved in is telling congregations to hand over the property titles
from the kingdom halls to the organization, creating essentially a billion dollar real estate empire.
Corruption and religion many times hold hands with one another, its just that there so many people out there that just cant see it
in action. The WTS. and relgions like them are very good in hiding it .
So as the saying goes Buyer beware.