My daughter has a JW friend at our home for a sleep-over tonight !! Help!

by moshe 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Notewe said, "As to Avatar...why wouldn't any "active" Witness see this movie?..."

    Well, for openers, the Na'vi are BLUE, the same color as <gasp!> SMURFS! They might be the offspring of fallen angels!

  • notewe

    yup...saw it...but having never been a judgmental person....not judging if you are a JW or not by a movie!

  • moshe

    They are watching Adam Sandlers, bedtime stories. She wanted to watch another movie, but my daughter just said it was too Christian, "we're Jewish, my daughter told the girl. When asked what church she went to she just said, "kingdomhall" in a quiet voice.

    Outlaw, I'm not giving up those chairs!! When they tear down the old KH, I want those two tiny windows, too!

    Movies were a big deal back in my day- Remember Star wars, The force be with you? JW's were warned about that "force" .

    I have been keeping track of that families Meeting attendance and I would say their car is in the driveway an awful lot of Sundays - they don't appear to be dressed up for service either on Saturday.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hmmm, doesn't sound like the JW robot-family. I think you're safe. Just be good hosts and take a friendly interest in these friendship starved humans.

  • moshe

    You are right Billy, maybe my wife and I will invite them all over for a cookout.

  • hubert

    Moshe, Do her parents know you are an apostate?

    (I'm gonna tell) Shock 5


  • hubert

    So the girl goes home, and the parents asked her what she did to pass the time?

    "We read "C of C" together.


  • MsDucky

    When I was an "active" Witness, I was told that Disney movies were bad because the movies had *magic* in them, and, also, *bestiality* because, you know, Beauty fell in love with the beast, and they kiss frogs and stuff like that there. . .It's just wrong man, you see. . .Avatar has turned humans in to beasts. That's *bestiality*! Porneia! You see?

  • Gregor

    Do your best Jack Benny impersonation..."oh, Rochester...can little Trudy go to synagogue with us Friday?"

  • notewe

    haha...I agree...but time the end, like I said, a movie doesn't determine what your "beliefs" are, or "who" you are. Unless it is an orgy involving women, small children, and is just a movie!!

    I always hated when people judged me for the movies I watched, even tho I was VERY selective. The final straw was when my brother-in-law, who was a former circuit overseer, wouldn't let his daughter watch Charlotte's Web because there was dying! BALANCE people...BALANCE. That goes for us that are no longer JW!

    Moshe...I think that is an excellent idea! Have them over, you never know what will come of it :)

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