Remember the clean rooms at the KH

by greenhornet 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • greenhornet

    I am not sure if this topic is in the right place but.........

    Back when I was "in" I remember some kingdom halls had clean rooms that were for poeple that were alergect to every thing.

    Do they still have them. (Also they had them at the conventions also)

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Ohhhh.....thats what a clean room is. I though when I read the title you were talking about how clean Kingdom Halls were LOL!. I was like well HELL YES they were clean! I CLEANED THEM every damn week!! While the brothers stood around and "supervised"

  • dissed

    Hey Wuzz...... I was one of those JW brothers who supervised. It wasn't easy ordering people around and acting like I was in charge, yet staying humble as well.

  • greenhornet

    No, I am talking about a special room with a seperate entry and clean air. (no perfume)

  • dissed

    Never heard of those rooms. But I've been away for 13 years.

  • Oceanblue

    Well at the kingdom hall I (unfortunatley) still attend with my family, there are at least three families who have members who are allergic to everything. They just sit in the back school with the door closed and the blinds open so they can see the stage. No seperate entrance or clean air. There is always a delay when one of them decides to bless the rest of the congregation with their comments. I have allergies too, but before I was disfellowshiped, I never felt comfortable enough to sit back there with them because they complain too much and I didn't want to be viewed the same way they are, a nuisance, because they are always getting an attitude with their "brothers and sisters" for the hair prodects, deoderants, etc. they use. I didn't like how they gave other people dirty looks too. I just thought they had such a self-righteous attittude. I don't wear perfume, but I do use a certain deoderants because I sweat alot for a girl (eww!) and its the only one that works for me. Same thing for my hair. If it works, I'm not going to stop using it, even if I give my own self a headache. I'll just take some benedryl and call it a day.

  • dissed

    Hey oceanblue! Welcome aboard!

    I agree, I've known some that are very sensitive to chemicals, and I really feel for them. But have seen them complain to the point that you don't want to be around them.

    Always so negative and imputing wrong motives to others, like they do this on purpose just to make them sick.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    We had one of these kooks at our hall. Problem with deodorant, perfume, makeup, laundry detergent, hair products, scented feminine products, air freshener. I came up to the hall to work with her in service one day. No makeup, no perfume, no body oil, no hair product (all of which I desperately need). I still didn't make the cut. Nail polish! Didn't I know there is formaldehyde in that!? When our congregation would not rip up the carpet, she went somewhere else. Good riddance, little pale faced, prairie dress wearin, stinky, hairy legged little freak. NMKA

  • Satanus


    ' prairie dress wearin, stinky, hairy legged little freak. '

    She is better suited to a barn than a clean room.


  • blondie

    There are some people with real issues. But they are a minority. Most clean rooms I knew of in the circuit really did not provide any real protection and these people did not have truly clean homes nor did they avoid other public places such as grocery stores, banks, doctor offices, clinics, etc.

    The real ones I knew were housebound.

    I think calling them "kooks" is very rude and unkind.

    The congregations in this area have suspended the use of clean rooms as well in the assembly halls. Trying to provide a "clean" room in rented convention facilities is next to impossible.

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