Christian subject I don't understand, can anyone explain?

by wanderlustguy 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wanderlustguy

    I like to read...a lot. So tonight I was reading about conspiracy theories and new world orders and how Obama is the antichrist, so on and so forth, so my questions that I can't figure out are these:

    If "the antichrist" exists, and just for the sake of argument, Obama was he, shouldn't all the Christians have voted for him? My reasoning is, if the antichrist is to set in motion fulfillment of scripture, and actually be involved in the start of the events that change the world into "God's Way", shouldn't Christians support this? Wouldn't it make sense that if God's judgement is to be executed and the righteous people were to be taken off to heaven or live on paradise, the discovery of the individual who could speed it all up would be a good thing?

    I just want to understand how these beliefs work, if the preacher or whoever on Sunday is blasting people for voting for the antichrist, isn't that the same as saying he doesn't want "God's will" to be done as it is described in scripture?


  • Chalam

    Hi WLG,

    Some interesting thoughts.

    Most biblical scholars would say Obama is unlikely to be the antichrist. However, if he were, would it matter if Christians voted for him right now? Not really IMHO.

    However, if Obama does things which confirm he is the antichrist then Christians should really know his identity and not be voting for him.

    By the time the antichrist sets up his "abomination of desolation" Daniel 9:27 Daniel 11:31 Daniel 12:11 Matthew 24:15 his identity will be clear. Indeed, one will either take his mark and worship him or face death come then, there will be no voting.

    Whether the church will be here at that point is still a debate amongst Christians. Many believe in a pre-tribulation rapture but there are strong reasoning for a post-tribulation rature too. I wouldn't advise getting into it too much, it will become clear as we approach it.

    I would get to grips with the basics first. Get a decent bible (pretty much anything but the NWT) and read the New Testament

    Plenty for free here

    Also, get THE teacher John 14



  • wanderlustguy

    Like I haven't read the Bible. I'm not talking about facts, (the very definition of FACT and the definition of FAITH cancel each other out) and I definitely know the information in the Black Book through and through, the point is the beliefs, specifically the antichrist and how people view the subject as well as the reaction of some who personally believe he is it.

    You can read the Bible until you can't see but it wont tell you anything about people's interpretation of it. Like reading the New World Translation would tell you what witnesses believe.

    Anyone...anyone...? I don't want to debate, I'm trying to understand the reasoning in this scenario. I won't re-ask the question again, it's in the first post.


  • megaflower

    Many conspiracy th. believe that the queen is the antichrist. Also, the ones who Really rule the world are the powerful international bankers. The president is just a pawn for people like George Sorros and the Rockerfellers.

  • Alwayshere


  • Farkel

    The antichrist is whoever or whatever any particular flavor of the Christian faith hates the most. Usually that means whoever or whatever disagrees with their particular brand of bullshit the most.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I understand your reasoning WLG.

    There are some Christians who fund the return of Jews to Israel in the belief that it will hasten 'the day of the Lord' (just Google "Christian aliyah") - another conspiracy or not? Who knows!

    Back to your premise, a Christian, by their nature (which is secure in Christ) would not deliberately want to align themselves with evil - so they wouldn't/couldn't vote for evil should they be given the opportunity.

    I think there is also a scripture which tells us not to wish for the end to be hastened too (but I can't find it!) because it will be so terrible.

    My own brief overview - we're told to be ready and waiting for the end ourselves, why deny others the opportunity to be saved by 'speeding up the end' - as if it were possible for us to do this anyway!

  • cantleave

    I thought Johnny Rotten was the anti-christ, he even said so.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    IMO thats like every Christian believes when they die they'll go to heaven...But seek every form of medical attention they can to prolong life down here.

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