What will 2010 Bring? is the topic of the latest blog entry on The Watchman's Post
What will 2010 Bring?
by e-watchman 23 Replies latest jw friends
I hope 2010 will bring collapse of E-Watchman, Freeminds, Silentlambs, Commentary Press and similar purposeless Organizations.
I hope it will be in first quarter of the year
Titus, it would not surprise me if you will slip up big time and get booted from JWN.
Oh really? Is the WTBTS only Organization which can be spoken against here? I am sorry, I didin't know that...
AK - Jeff
I hope 2010 will bring collapse of E-Watchman, Freeminds, Silentlambs, Commentary Press and similar purposeless Organizations.
Please explain your version of "purposeless"!
I agree that E-Watchman is a goofy site - just another diatribe of prophetic nonsense promulgated by a man who thinks he is HOLY in some ill-defined manner of speaking. But it has purpose. It gives the author a release to his goofy ideas, even if it promotes nothing more believable than Jw's or Scientology offer. Still, it is not without purpose, if only a purpose to one.
Freeminds, Silient Lambs, and Commentary Press, on the other hand, are loaded with purpose. They have, collectively, freed millions from the grasp of a horrible, lying organization that has stolen millions of years of precious life from people who believed them to have 'truth'. Organizations that help others to find solice, peace, and purpose in life outside a cult like Jehovah's Witnesses are not 'purposeless'.
Aside from these basic realities - it seems as if your statements violate the nature of guidelines for posting #1 and #4. It might also seem that your disdain for similar minded groups would put your presence on this site in question also, since it offers to promote similar respite from the WTS as does Freeminds, SL, and Commentary Press.
Titus, I am sure you will get earful from other posters today.
AK - Jeff
From the blog:
With no hint of exaggeration, 2010 appears to be the year of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Oh my! Really? 2011 will be promoted to that position when 2010 fails to 'fulfill' I suppose. WOW. Then you may want to skip a few years like Russell learned later on. Easier to cover your tracks that way. Just thinking out loud. Might want to focus in on 2107, that way you will be dead before anyone is uncovers your 'near miss'. LOL
Just jesting. Or is this blog supposed to be 'serious'?
......... 2010 will bring MS Titus a little deeper understanding of said sites......
....2011 will see MS Titus discern fully the rush and impatience of youth in his comments today.....
Don't get too Rutherford on his heiny yalll........he is still a newbie with much to learn.
(or maybe he fancies a little testosterone headbutting......... ahh to be young)
(Did yall notice his choice of avatars.........boys got a sense of humor!)
AK - Jeff
Don't get too Rutherford on his heiny yalll........he is still a newbie with much to learn.
Amen Sister! Agreed.
Probably just counting time anyway, looking for that big promotion to 'microphone handler' or 'podium adjuster' or 'soundman'.
Only pedophiles wished Silentlambs went away. I had a dog named Titus your ruining his name.