We all know how the "brothers" love playing with [brackets] in order to 'more clearly define the thought being expressed'. So I'll have some fun of my own...
Judging by your description of the pictures, the sub-text of the year text is: "Love endures all [the silly] things [JWs are required to do], love never fails [to reamin busy in serving WT Inc.]"
Or, one must wonder what happened to all the "Salvation is near!" "God's Day Is At Hand!" & "They're All Gonna Die - Soon!" year texts? Getting a little gunshy with your doom and gloom predictions, eh Govening Body?
So, one could also interpret this year year text to be: "Love endures [and ignores] all [the] things [JW leadership have predicted in the past], love never fails [to continue serving with blind, unquestioning ignorance]. [Oh, and the end is near.] [Unless it isn't.]"
Yay! Brackets are fun!
P.S.: [RANT]Oh, and on a side note, what always annoyed me about the JW calender was their total and complete failure to even acknoweledge the existence of worldly holidays, yet they saw fit to lable every Saturday as "Magazine Day". Really? Was that necessary? We got the fukin point after FEBRUARY!
We always had to have a "worldy" calender handy so we would know what days the holidays were on! Kinda defeats the point, really. They should face it, it's necessary information. Do they think Jehovah is soooo petty that they can't even provide a little asterisk with a tiny note at the back of the calender that says " *W orldly Holiday ". Would that really cause God's righteous anger to boil over? Depends on if we're talking about the OT God or NT God I guess.
But, seriously, what's the harm??? They're already using the names of the months and weekdays which are all named after pagan gods and rulers. Why is it ok to use those names, but GOD FORBID they do something satanic like mention Arbor Day?!?! But that actually goes hand in hand with their basic philosophy of pretending that if they ignore things they don't like (like say, the scientific evidence for evolution), then it must not exist.[/RANT]
Ben S.