"I am not lying!"
Who's the best JWN liar? I'll start -- "we shun you cuz we love you"
by Fatfreek 34 Replies latest jw friends
Reading the Awake is the equivalent to a college education.
"The NWT is the most accurate bible translation ever. Saw that on Jeopardy."
We never said "the generation" who saw 1914 was literal.
"It would be wrong to make someone choose their religious beliefs over their family"
"There is nothing wrong with a person who questions their beliefs"
"Jehovah will provide"
"The only person who can stumble you is you"
After someone has left the WTS, being a faithful JW for over 26 years.......
"They were not real JW's, they were faking it for (fill in the blank)"
"The light keeps getting brighter."
We take 1 Thes. 4:11 seriously and always mind our own business concerning personal matters, since everyone has the freedom to do what their conscience allows them.
I don't really have anything to add to this thread, but I do want to thank you. For some reason this thread opened my eyes to something I had been in denial about for a while - my own behavior as a JW. Even though I had admitted to myself that I had doubts through out my "career" as a JW, I never had really admitted to myself that I actually did buy in to a lot of their lies, even the ones that bothered my conscience. I can understand why now... I couldn't deal with the guilt of thinking of myself spreading and enforcing such lies to others. I shouldn't feel guilty for it - it's not like I knew any better or even had the chance to know any better at the time - but I still do because I was raised with the ideal that I have the responsibility to KNOW the truth and SHARE it with others and SAVE them. I never have confronted much less realized that I held such a belief so deeply until now.
Beyond that I'm pretty confused from all the cognitive dissonance from these realizations right now so I can't really comment further on them, but you all do deserve a huge THANK YOU for helping to open my eyes to this.
Some people read too much into the literature and expected events to happen by a certain date.