Anniversary of our being egged by JWS, decide to show you all the letter we sent to 200 JW families!!! Enjoy!!

by Lady Liberty 46 Replies latest jw friends

    Mary said: The reason most JWs accept the 607 BCE date without question is because it's easy to. Instead of actually doing the research like you did, all they are told they have to do is: 539 + 70 years = 609 BCE. Which still doesn't give you 607 BCE but what's a couple of years when your entire life is riding on it?

    Thanks Mary - never realised that before!

    539 = 00
    540 = 01
    541 = 02
    542 = 03
    543 = 04
    544 = 05
    545 = 06
    546 = 07
    547 = 08
    548 = 09
    549 = 10
    550 = 11
    551 = 12
    552 = 13
    553 = 14
    554 = 15
    555 = 16
    556 = 17
    557 = 18
    558 = 19
    559 = 20
    560 = 21
    561 = 22
    562 = 23
    563 = 24
    564 = 25
    565 = 26
    566 = 27
    567 = 28
    568 = 29
    569 = 30
    570 = 31
    571 = 32
    572 = 33
    573 = 34
    574 = 35
    575 = 36
    576 = 37
    577 = 38
    578 = 39
    579 = 40
    580 = 41
    581 = 42
    582 = 43
    583 = 44
    584 = 45
    585 = 46
    586 = 47
    587 = 48
    588 = 49
    589 = 50
    590 = 51
    591 = 52
    592 = 53
    593 = 54
    594 = 55
    595 = 56
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    600 = 61
    601 = 62
    602 = 63
    603 = 64
    604 = 65
    605 = 66
    606 = 67
    607 = 68
    608 = 69
    609 = 70

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    BTTT for newbies...:)

  • Michelle365

    Thanks for the bttt! That was awesome. Very well done. I'd like to send something similar to my brother. Did you get anyone who was upset that you broke their faith? I feel my bro may respond that way. Like I offended him by ruining his life. lol.

  • mindmelda

    Very scholarly. It's too bad the Witnesses aren't. And yes, I'd heard rumors for years that both Joseph Smith and Charles T Russell were Masons, and I have no doubt they were. It was quite common in their time. Pyramidology and spirtualism were both fads of their time, or scams, to be more honest.

    Studying the history of religions of that time and then reading "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell, wherein he also discusses the symbolism of what is on our money, our governmental seals and such in the USA, also the flag, and how many religious movements of the 17 and 1800s were steep in Masonic ideas or ritual, and how many influential people were in turn influenced by that led me to some of the same conclusions.

    I never could make head nor tails of the 1914 thing. I never felt comfortable teaching it to anyone else, because I knew deep down it was Bible hopscotch of the worst kind and also, that nothing outside of WTS literature leads you to 607 as the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians.

    The other fact that 1874 was Russells original date is pretty much buried by the WTS, but I found and read a couple of his studies in an old book store many years ago and knew that and that he was obsessed with the Pyramids. Egyptology was also a huge spiritual fad of the day. Some people still are, as a device of fiction, they come up frequently in science fiction as conduits for aliens or alien machines or power sources and such.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Michelle365,

    You asked: Did you get anyone who was upset that you broke their faith?

    The answer is not a one!! My reply to your brother, if he would say that to you, would be something along the lines of, "If the truth is really the truth, it should be able to withstand any examination. And if it cannot withstand it, it is NOT truth. DO we not owe it to ourselves, and ESPECIALLY our heavenly Father to make sure we are worshipping him with Spirit and TRUTH? He himself invites and encourages us to make sure of ALL things, for this very reason."

    The truth can be VERY painful especially when you are blindsided by it. However, if he is truely a lover of truth, it will eat away at his conscience until he investigates and examines it for himself. I have been very shocked though that people like my Grandmother who told me she believed what I found to be truthful, and if she wasn't a widow and was younger, she would investigate it herself. But she was content in her little routine, and the friends that stop by to visit her and take her out in service (she thouroughly enjoys this time to gossip). I told her that my conscience would no longer allow me to teach things that I knew to be untruthful. And that I still had to answer to Jehovah. She told me that well at least I would be doing what I was told!!!!! I was so blown away..that her loyalty became crystal clear to me! It was definately with the organization and not to Jehovah, like I had always believed it to be. That would prove to be the thoughts of many I had looked up to. It is shocking, disappointing and VERY disturbing...allcompounding to the power of the cult!!


    Lady Liberty

  • ziddina


    Now, I got out - well, never quite accepted it even while 'in' - the WTBTS' cult for a TOTALLY different set of reasons, having to do with the biblical writers and their abysmal lack of scientific understanding...

    But - this letter of yours is fantastic! I'll keep it in mind if I ever do have a discussion with an active JW - knocking the props out from under the date of "1914" would deal a death-blow to the WTBTS' claim of 'divine' - errr, human-but-'divine' - inspiration...


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's stuff like this that helps me to free my mind even more, even though I've been out now since 2005. My mind has taken a little longer than my body.

  • Sunspot

    Great info to pass along and even greater evidence that the WTS leaders/writers are extremely flawed in their teachings of "current bible truths". I was a 30 year devoted and loyal JW who buried many questions deep inside for fear of "losing my religion"....but when we got a computer in 1998 and I began to research things on my own (I never told anyone what I was doing) and I joined a forum called H2O.....I ALSO began to see what frauds and deceivers I had been tricked into worshiping.

    I took many months and serious all-nighters when everyone in the family was dig into and sort out the hogwash the WTS teaches....and by the summer of 1999 I was thoroughly convinced that I had made THE biggest mistake of my life by being baptized as a JW. I wrote my letter of disaasociation that October.... explaining why *I* didn't want to be a part of THEIR organization.....before they could brand ME as what I knew they would....and bidding goodbye to 30 years of friends who would be erased in one letter. It was a tough period for me....but it was the only decision that I could make to rectify myself with Christ after turning my back on him for three decades.....and he has blessed me in many ways since that day eleven years ago.

    The more JWs who realize "they've been HAD", the more will be walking away from this hideous unchristian cult.



  • startingover

    Great letter!

    As was mentioned though by God_Delusion, why does a person with your research abilities stop where you did. I did the same thing you did, however I continued on... you've just scratched the surface.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you everyone..I just hope someone will maybe benefit....

    StartingOver wrote:

    Great letter!

    As was mentioned though by God_Delusion, why does a person with your research abilities stop where you did. I did the same thing you did, however I continued on... you've just scratched the surface.

    Actually, this is not the only thing I researched. I spent many, many, many more months researching every doctorine that was ever taught to me by the organization. Yes, you are right..there is so... much more!! However it was all I chose to include in my letter, as I wanted to stick with the very issue that was the foundation for all their other teachings. If ones realized that the 607 teaching had nothing to stand on, then it may get them to think about things and prick their conscience into checking things out.


    Lady Liberty

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