The Only Real "Take" You Can Have on the Date of Jerusalems Destruction

by AllTimeJeff 112 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freydo

    When the Bible says, "Thou shalt not.....," there will always be people who will come up with some alternative nonsense.

  • Slayerbard

    yeah I wondered where the 70 years were that Jersalum laid in ruins were too. since there so stuck on that.. but I did the math. If you take the year Jerusalum was distroyed as 587/586 and add 70 years to that.. you come to about 515..which is the year WT and History agrees that the Temple was rebuilt. I think having the Temple finished would be prophetic of showing the land was no longer in ruins. Makes sence to me! no bar graphs, timelines or egyptian pyramids needed....

  • garyneal


    I could not agree with you more. I think the real issue with this is that the society needs 607 BCE to prove 1914 through their elaborate interpretations of Daniel's prophecy and the seven gentile times. Interesting to note, I looked through my old bible that has a lot of annotations and other research in it and it too places the date of Jerusalem's destruction at 586/7 BCE. Add to that, Raymond Franz commenting on Carl Johnson's research and how people were setting prophetic dates based on their interpretations of the Bible from as far back as the second century CE.

    In summary, 1914 can't be the date the WT says it is. They claim that they use the Bible to determine 607 BCE and the 2520 years for the 'seven gentile times' and yet they totally ignore Jesus's words in that it is not for us to know these times and dates. To freydo's point:

    When the Bible says, "Thou shalt not.....," there will always be people who will come up with some alternative nonsense.

    And yet, then the Bible says that we are not to know the times and the dates for the time of the end, etc, the WT society will come up with some alternative nonsense.

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