Anybody Know What Presiding Overseer's are Being Told at Bethel School ?

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    "That's odd.... I thought the WTS said they did not have a Clergy-Laity distinction. "

    This "secret" School is a good example of a distinction between the members and those who lead (or rather more correctly "manage" according to Watchtower Directives) the Congregation.

    The Watchtower always talks out of both sides of its mouth.

  • Slayerbard

    speaking of browser and favorates.. I hopped on the WT CDrom to look up something about kings of babalyon and I noticed I had the days text...for 2010! and it's the 08 edition,...SERIOUSLY?? what did they do download the new days text on my harddrive without me knowing?? Running my spyware scanner as I type this..

  • sir82
    I hopped on the WT CDrom to look up something about kings of babalyon and I noticed I had the days text...for 2010! and it's the 08 edition,...SERIOUSLY?? what did they do download the new days text on my harddrive without me knowing?? Running my spyware scanner as I type this..

    The "2008 edition" of the WT-CD was released in 2009. It contains the daily text for all of 2009 and the first 3 months of 2010.

    The "2009 edition" of the WT-CD will be available some time around March 2010. They have a built-in overlap of daily text info so you don't miss out on any "spiritual gems" while waiting for the new edition.

    The daily text is on the CD itself, it doesn't get "downloaded to your hard drive". The program reads the date on your PC, and uses that as an index to show the daily text on the CD.

    That's the way they've been doing it for the past several years.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I know that a close friend just returned from this PO (or whatever they're called these days) to say he was surprised that the WTS considers pornography a major problem..... don't know whether the reference is to just elders or to the flock in general.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    COs have been harping on Internet pron at elder/ms for the last several years. Apparently it is considered a problem. JWN has never been mentioned, though, interestingly.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    What are Presiding Overseers (or whatever they're called now) being taught at their new schools? Obviously nothing groundbreaking--otherwise we would have heard about it already. Sounds like some combination of instruction on administrative tasks and counsel about Internet pr0n, materialism, etc.

  • flipper

    VM 44- Good point you make. I remember all the " secret schools " the WT society used to have to make a distinction between people. Pioneer school, elders school, ministerial training school. Too bad they didn't have a " cult mind control protection school " as well - some of us might have woken up years before we did !

    SLAYERBARD- Hope you get your hardrive situation worked out.

    SIR 82- Glad you are hlping Slayerbard. Thanks. None of us would want to miss any " spiritual gems " now - would we ? LOL!

    ROOM 215- I'm sure pornography IS a major problem in the organization as they emphasize SEX so much it makes them all the more curious !

    MAD SWEENEY- So the C.O.'s are aware apparently of elders going and getting their jollys and rocks off to internet porn, eh ? I was wondering what they do with all that personal study time .

    OLIN MOYLES GHOST- Yeah, so the elders are just being instructed to become more elderish I guess. Protect the flock, become more controlling, and more of a company and organization man. Does anybody hear " Heil Hitler ! " ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cameo-d

    Maybe it's time to do some serious weeding. Maybe there is not going to be enough "room" for everyone in Paradise, after all. They will only have enough provisions for those who will do as they are told and believe what is being spoonfed.

    Awake! is the Cult of Sleep. It's purpose is to turn out tamed work animals.

    Those who do not fit the profile must go!

    At the end of the day, all "new light" revolves around mind control and remote influencing. That is, the projecting of one's mind onto another's brain, thus subduing their mental will-power to disobey direct commands. The accomplishment of this at a distance, through a vicarious network.

    Perhaps they will try to head off mutiny by drawing a line in the sand.

  • Slayerbard

    THanks Sir28 I was freaking out. LOL I know the last one didn't have an overlap, so I was surprised when I saw 2010 in the text box. I hate that the text box pops up before you can do anything. UGH..

    Spiritual Gems indeed....reminds me of the episode of Mythbusters where they polished a turd...

  • Pistoff

    It really amazes me that the WT is so obsessed with porn. Really, who gives a shit?? People have sex, regular and kinky, and tape it. People watch it for whatever reason. Sex is human, sex is interesting, what is the problem? As long as the participants are not forced, and are consenting adults, who is being hurt? Granted, unless you do is watch porn, or if it is harming a relationship, where is the actual harm in watching film of people having sex? If a married couple can have sex how is it wrong to watch people having sex? Can they make their own tape, and watch it?

    The WT has gone further than that; they refer to pornographic billboards and advertising, adding an asterix to say that in context they mean pornographic to mean sexual! Really, their mind control and moralizing has no limit.

    The WT is prudish; the fellowship is immature, emotionally and spiritually. Is the allure of porn stronger for witnesses?

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