Hey oompa. I wanted to share some other thoughts, hope they help...
After I left, I had discussions with her on a possibloe reconciliation. Her rules included no "apostate" material out in plain view, as that would be "a threat to my faith". (I wish I could have recorded the noise my head and heart made at the same time to hear those words)
She wondered if she could ever trust me again. She said I would have to earn back her trust, and that Jehovah and the organization was what was most important, even though she valued our marriage and would have worked to keep it together.
...and I considered that. I considered living a lie again.
Every couple and circumstance is different. When I finally said once and for all "No way", it was the realization that her terms were JW terms and I would have been tacitly supporting that.
I wanted in the worst way for her to love me simply for me. It wasn't possible.
In spite of that, in spite of all the logic, of all the good reasons, of knowing with 100% clarity why I left her, it still hurts. It always will. Have I fantasized about a reunion? Sure, and it will never happen, nor do I really want it. I only want the comfort that for me, my 20's weren't an almost total waste of time. But living in the past is a poor balm when your future requires you to heal so that you can move forward.
I still remember some fun times. We had a unique chemistry. I considered us the David and Maddie of JW pioneer couples. (from the old show Moonlighting if you didn't get that reference) Witty, playful fighting, it was fun for a while. But it was an immature, retarded relationship caused by living a JW lifestyle, and required two adults in total possesion of themselves in order to make it right.
It takes one to mess up a relationship, two to fix it. One person by themself can never repair a relationship. However, one person can soberly make the decision that the future doesn't need to be hijacked by the past.
You know my biggest regret through all of this? That the most I have ever reached out to people were through these internet boards. I am just now getting out with real people in the community. It's really been a lonely hell. I hope that you try to involve yourself with other people sooner then I did.
Thanks for listening.... As always, feel free to chuck all of this if it doesn't fit.