It just drives me crazy when the brothers giving the public
talk on Sunday morning will say "the June 1, 1984 Watchtower
on page 10 paragraph 6 says........" The Witnesses, in my
estimation put more faith in the Watchtower than in God's
Word. I have heard various ones talking about a subject when
a question comes up. What I hear is "well what does the
Watchtower say?" I don't hear "well what does the Bible say?"
The Watchtower has ruined my sex life. The Bible says nothing
forbidding oral sex, but the Watchtower does. My wife will quote
the Watchtower articles to me how wrong it is. The Bible says
nothing about blood transfusions, but the Watchtower does,
with the results of thousands of Witnesses dieing needlessly.
All of this just makes my brain bleed.
Sour Grapes