Just got ahold of "secret elders meetings" notes.

by aquagirl 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAFO

    Be sure to keep us posted..

  • aquagirl

    You bet.I found a lot of stuff about how the wtbts was trying to get people to say that they were in the holocoust for being a JW,and nt for whatever other reason.Also I found a letter about how a previously well liked sister refused to say that she was there{holocoust} at all{she wasnt}aand how they should treat someone who was not looking out for the flocks best interest...Really petty stuff about people gaining weight,tight skirts and the "wrong kind of music" being listened to..Also the interesting financial plan that is the engine of the whole thing.Just as I had always suspected,but never had concrete proof. This ind of thing is happening alot,and I have a feeling that the next few years are going to be kind of,um,uncomfortable for the society...I hate them so...

  • JAFO

    Sweeeeeet... give 'em hell!

  • aquagirl

    Some folks call it gell,Ah call it hades,ummm hmmm...{Carl} You bet I will.Maybe Ill get me a Kaiser blade,some folks call it a slingblade,I call it a kaiserblade...

  • MinisterAmos

    Send a copy to Danny Haszard. Danny would have the nuts to do good work with them.

    You could always upload them behind four proxies. Your would be invisible.

    (Look up proxy on Google, it's a pass-through that scrambles your IP)

    Or do it from the public library. As far as the "victims" go, they knew (or should have been made aware) that every aspect of their JC was available to virtually every person at Bethel, PLUS to every person in the Circuit who might become an Elder in the future. They were never given a promise that the docs would remain secret.

  • aquagirl

    Mister Amos,Ill do that.Proxies.Hmmm.Thanks!

  • startingover

    Shameless bookmark

  • Quentin

    Good luck, it will be accepted by some, rejected by others, a few will, like me, not give a flip about any of it. The jw belife system, in my opinon, is what needs to "hammered", not the musings and notes of some elders. However, you have some amunition to work with, use it wisely.

  • nelly136

    .I found a lot of stuff about how the wtbts was trying to get people to say that they were in the holocoust for being a JW,and nt for whatever other reason.

    the probable reasoning for wanting to up holocaust numbers would be the holocaust compensation claims from the swiss banks.


  • Scott77

    Sigh, the JW and the WTS, sigh. what a corrupt organisation it is!!!!!!!!!!!


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