I really don't understand why they would change the current "Generation are the annointed" explanation. It's perfect, it allows the generation to continue indefinitely.
In order for them to change it, there has obviously been some backlash from within, with regard to the Feb 09 WT announcing the change. They must have figured that "this generation will by no means pass away" is meaningless when it refers to the annointed and people (JWs) are now allowed to become annointed again. They must have realised this means there is no imminent end! They need a sense of urgency!! So we need to tie the generation dogma to dates pointing to our current time period. Its an end times prediction all over again just more subtle.
Surely they would have more credibility if they stuck to the last "new light" for more than a year... but why bother when all the R&F accept everything that comes from the WT.
Maybe I should tell my family what I believe the generation teaching should be and explain this new view, then when they see it in the WT they'll wonder how I was ahead of the org, maybe I'm inspired
I did the same kinda thing with the last new light, I pointed to the 1915 view on the generation knowing that it was to be printed in their WT a month later. I was thinking "Yay now they'll see the WT has gone around in a complete circle". Nothing... They didn't even seem to notice
My mother is one of the "they have everything else right" crowd.