Hey another great site
by mouthy 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Mouthy! Looks intersting; I will check it out.
I just wish that the site's copy writer had checked with us first, the WT/JW's are not exactly Creationists, and they will pick on small errors like that to deflect attention from the rest of the valid points made.
It all seems a little puerile, and will be dismissed by active Dubs. Shame.
Creationists,???Well they do CREATE LIES!!!! dont they???
Apart from being hard on the eyes, the immediate niggle I had was that the charts started from -607 then -587 or -586. Those astronomical dates translate as 608 BCE, 588 or 587 BCE. Then there are the alleged subliminal images ...
Had a look, it's a bit higgledy piggledy and needs tightening up a bit. Theres a lot of information there just not well organised. You have to admire the determination to put it all together.
that is wonderful,,and in French and English,, I hope to see such sites coming up in all languages like this
OOPS May be I did wrong to post it????? Sorry Guys! Put it down to my stupidity
Some one sent it to me...On my guest book below -
Well, I am the one who built that site!! I'm in montreal Canada. I'm a former JW. I'm sorry if the site isn't perfect, but I tried.... Thanks for posting mouthy!
Black Sheep
I would never direct a JW to any site that contained a 'subliminal images' section.
It gives the impression that the site creator is grasping at straws to find support for thier dissaffection with the Watchtower.
There is plenty of ammunition available that is 'in your face' and easily poven that can be used and I am sure that the Watchtower is grateful that many webmasters and apostates get sidetracked from them by subliminal, Illuminati and Satanic ritual type nonsense.