Weird WT article today, and that is just what the dubby family said!
"What do your prayers say about you?", the "purpose of article box" said that it would "Help you to analyze the nature of your prayers" - article said it was not about a set of words, so I suppose it was meant to make the readers realise if they only prayed about themselves, they were only concerned with themselves...Personally I never got into regular prayers anyway so........?
P 1] Even if millions of Jehovah's Witnesses were to pray to God at the same time, not one would get a 'busy' signal"
That betrays that they discount the prayers of all the millions of other people as being worthless and disconnected....Arrogant Pharisees that they are ! There are many Bible examples of non members of the Christian congregation having prayers heard by God, but they seem to think that they have the handle on God listening only to them..
P10 Said to pray for the ones in the cong that we do not like, then we might get to feel warmer towards them ! Are they admitting disharmony on the ranks?
P 16 annoyed the female dubs of my close family..Sisters encouraged to pray for their husbands to become m/s or elders.(for themselves to be elderettes)..Are they really that short of men to serve? It was the not so subtle dig at the wives "speech and conduct" that irked the older sister who grumbled.
P19..Oh Boy ! this was the pits...Counsel not to cuddle during the prayers . Of course I have seen this . I think "inbetween" said it best in the post above. Making rules is not a good idea , respectable marrieds only, may hold hands - discreetly, Is this all that they have to talk about?
I know one thing, we have a more lively discussion here than ever they did at the K Hall yesterday....