I had 2 links to the elders manual, but they are both broken. Can anyone give me a working link please? I'll be sure to save an offline copy this time. Thanks.
The little flock book..
by KingAgag 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Is what you are looking for a book of the title "PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELVES AND TO ALL THE FLOCK"?
That PDF is here. (5.05MB. Scanned PDF. This contains the cover)
http://www.watchtower.cc/PayAttention.pdfThat HTML is here.
http://www.watchtower.cc/flock.htmWell, on my website, I have linked this book always.
Thank you both, that is exactly what I needed!
Hi, KingAgag.
Probably, Mr. Elsewhere has better information/PDF.
That PDF contains useful "notes."
http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/112942/1/A-NEW-Flock-book-has-been-released-with-notes-by-a-Presiding-OverseerYou may be able to ask of people who downloaded from there.
Well, I have only that "9MB" PDF.
If you want it, I will upload it.
Or other people may upload it.possible
Thanks Possible-sans - I would like it, if someone could upload it pretty please? If its easier PM me and we can arrange to transfer it via email.
King Aki, send me the pdf when you have it, or I'll 'ave you!
Soon to be replaced!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, KingAgag.
I uploaded to the following address.
Click on "Click here to start download .."
http://www.mediafire.com/?mayemtoqnemSince this is a ZIP file, please extract it.
I place there about one week.
cantleave - you mean a new elders manual is coming out?