My mom got a call from a friend who told her the 3/09 study WT has new light on the annointed. Anyone in the know??
3/09 Study WT- new light on 'annointed'??
by isaacaustin 15 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting. Hopefully, someone can post a scan.
Nothing like some good NuLite for the New Year.
Do you mean 03/10 and not 09?
3/10 yes
Olin Moyles Ghost
She's probably talking about the "one flock, one shepherd" article that's been discussed on this board. It's available on You can download a PDF of the study articles. Click the "downloads" tab, then on the left side of the page, under "digital publications" click the "magazines" link.
I read the one flock/one shepherd article and did not detect anything new.
Mad Sweeney
I see nothing Noo there either.
My take on what I have read of this article on JWN along with fantastic comments is that they will use the article as the kickoff for a secret campaign to drive the number of partakers down. It's a bunch of gobble-dee-gook about the Memorial partaking being needed until the Bride is all gathered. But we all know the number of partakers really took off in 2008 and 2009 when they opened the sealed door of 1935.
Expect the articles to offer nothing really- don't want to tip their hands in print. But at the Convention or through the C.O. (or both) they will start belittling the fake partakers. They will put a positive spin on it, similar to their own over-eagerness for Armageddon, people have misread God's undeserved kindness toward them. Something like that.
But from the platform, they will say something more: If you don't know 100%, stop partaking. They cannot do this everywhere and with a huge message, it has to start out subtle. Otherwise, there will be a huge drop in partakers. I imagine they want to let the number drop slowly and use that to their advantage. Still, expect to hear this in the USA, Britain, older established WT countries.
That's my take.
Keep in mind that JW's get excited when they announce a loving arrangement from Jehovah to allow parents to count 4 hours EACH for the study with kids, and they probably got excited over "nothing" in that article as it seems slightly nuulite.
They probably got excited that food would be discontinued at assemblies because that meant so many would be able to focus on the program, probably got excited to hear that members should not go "out" at lunchtime for lunch, because they could "fellowship" by staying in. Heck, there are some that probably got excited that they were told to wear the badge after-hours from conventions.
No big deal- nothing here to see, move along.