It occured to me the song Hotel California describes the life of a JW....This songs lyrics describes a luxury resort where "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave." I have listen to this song many times but the other day when it came the radio it HIT ME!!!!
Hotel California and Jehovahs Witnesses????
by zions watchman 10 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah it hit me a few months back.
Yup. :)
Ironic that a good JW would think this song is somehow demonized...
Type "Hotel California" into the search feature and see how many times this analogy has been used in reference to the cult.
I think that song was actually written about heroine addiction, but it can just as well be applied to being JW.
JWoods - I enjoy that irony as well.
A friend of a friend of a friend tried to burn that album because it was demonized and...IT WOULDN'T BURN!
Thought the same thing the first time I ever heard the lyrics many years ago.
Infact, a CO told my mom there are only 2 ways out of the J.W.s .....disfellowshipping or death and they amount to the same.
A Heads up for anyone considering baptism.
Love this song and now I love it even more.
Locutus of Borg
I got that back in 1977 when the song was first released. It was just one of a long series of cognitive "triggers" for me. Triggers that all added up and eventually led to me walking away from the Kult . .
There was a young fella I worked in with a machine shop in Manchester, NH in 1977. His name was Vernon. He sang in a local band and he would practice to tracks while working . . he was very good. I got to really hear the lyrics to this song while he practiced at work while operating a Burgmaster Machining Center making submarine parts, me too, at this point I wasn't going to let a little thing like that keep me from supporting my family . .
Vern, wherever you are . . thanks!