If so, why did you think you were clever?
Have you ever had a moment when you thought yourself clever?
by John Doe 15 Replies latest jw friends
Is this where we are supposed to ask you the same question?
John Doe
Take your mind off me for a second beks, ok?
Garsh Doe it's not easy!
I had an employer that needed to keep a maintenance journal on several pieces of equipment that wound up on various jobsites. He said the problem was that these things all looked nearly identical and wound up in different places all the time. It would be difficult to know which equipment had been serviced and had it's oil changed because of that situation.
I was listening and said, "Instead of trying to keep track of each piece and where it winds up at, just paint a number on them. Keep the maintenance journal by the number. When you show up at a jobsite, see which numbered piece is there and look in the journal."
It was so simple, I couldn't believe he was agonizing over a way to keep track of these things.
John Doe
did you get a raise?
Are you kidding? It was my JW boss in my JW janitorial years.
John Doe
He he, see, clever would have been negotiating a raise before you told him how to keep track of his equipment, using that information as bargaining power. ;-)
compound complex
moments ...
I've had so many that I can't possibly remember them.