Hi guys, i have noticed that you two seem to have lots of knowlege at your fingertips. so i hope you dont mind me attn to you!
I have found the following information on the internet while looking into the miracle wheat:
One source said that the president of united cemetaries corporation was Bohnet, another that the president of the cemetary gave to Bohnet the 'miracle wheat.'
another lists van anburgh's testamony on the Eagle lawsuit as admitting to the two 'dummy' corporations; united cemetery and investment inc.
Are there actual documented proofs of this stuff? Like photo copies, scans or even government web sites of records etc?
If it was true that united cemetaries was a WT corp, is it still so today?
been googleing awhile now and keep finding the same stuff, but no actual links, pdf's, books, pages, actual court records or documents. Surely somebody must have them or it just becomes handed down here-say i fear.