Everyone in my family born on or before 1914 is dead. Most of the people born in the 1920s in my family are dead too. And the new system still isn't here.
For a so-called group of 'God's Chosen', they don't seem to be getting anything right.
by betterdaze 17 Replies latest social current
Everyone in my family born on or before 1914 is dead. Most of the people born in the 1920s in my family are dead too. And the new system still isn't here.
For a so-called group of 'God's Chosen', they don't seem to be getting anything right.
Abracadabra, Hokus Pokus.
The current understanding is that "this generation of anointed alive since 33CE would still be alive when Armageddon finally comes in the very near future."
The future understanding is that the generation alive in 1914 would overlap the generation alive to survive Armageddon in the very near future.
The post-future understanding is that the generation alive in 1975 would still be alive in 2012 when the Mayan calendar ends and Armageddon strikes. Okay, I'm speculating on this one...
I think that the understanding will be that the generation that saw 1914 would overlap the next generation which in turn will overlap the next generation which will in turn overlap the next generation which will in turn overlap the next and the next and the next. So all will be OK!?!?!?
"Millions Now Living Will Die, but Watchtower bullshit lasts forever!"
I saw the failure of their anointed remnant numbers over 20 years ago- what are people just blind now- the numbers are higher than 30 years ago, I think. That 1914 generation was dead and buried almost 20 years ago when they took that 1914 year off the inside cover of the Awake.
But the generation of 1914 teaching was dropped in 1995.