Need some advise. My friend has been with her boyfriend for almost 4 years, and for 3 of them the sex has been getting less and less. They are down to around twice a year. I would go crazy personally. She is starting to get very hurt by the situation. I am watching her self esteem drop. The annoying thing is that her boyfriend is a great guy. Very polite and a very hard worker. She called me this afternoon upset becz she saw that her boyfriend was on a porn site that morning. I guess she did not realize he had such past times. As a woman this makes no sense. Why would he do that to her? I know she has told him that the lack of sex bothers her. He always tells her he does not see the point in having so much sex if they are not planning on having kids. So if the guys out there could give me a little insight to help her.....Do you think it is a bad thing that he likes to play alone and doesn't get it on with her very often? Think he is cheating on her?
what does no sex mean?
by brainwashed-from-birth 30 Replies latest jw friends
if he is not giving her that much, she should dump him. It might be possible that he is cheating on her.
John Doe
Is she attractive? Does she commit any turnoff behaviour in bed?
yes she is very pretty. That is why i think he is crazy.... or gay maybe
Yeah, I'm thinking that unless he has "equipment failure" (and that seems unlikely if he's into porn), he's gettin' it somewhere else.
John Doe
yes she is very pretty.
So is Fran Dresser.
or his visual stimulation is only peaked due to an addiction to what he sees online, this is the only thing that really gets his equipment functioning possibly... the issue is not what she looks like, it is the fantasy that he could have built up in his mind. he may need some help. i am sure if she caught him online, it has not been his first time to a site watching.
John Doe
it has not been his first time to a site watching.
If a guy has a computer, he's looking at naked pictures in some form and in some capacity. That's a given.
and if having these intimate relations is only for child rearing, what were the people in the video clips doing. i would assume that they were trying for another child? lol
Sounds like whatis happening between my sister-in-law and her husband.
But the reason is that she is a lousy lay, so...