Did anyone go to the meeting last night? Post the theme here. Thanks!
It is now the first week of January and now what is the theme of the District Assembly this year?
by asilentone 18 Replies latest jw friends
Just like last year, the theme has not been announced in January.
I don't think they bothered to say what the theme was last year until some time in the spring.
Any guesses?
"Obey us or God will kill you!" District Convention
"Satan lives in the Internet" District Convention
"The beatings will continue until morale improves" District Convention
"Armageddon's really close...no this time we really mean it! Really!" District Convention
information control?
In the immortal words of Arnie to Sarah Conners, in the Terminator "Come with me if you want to live."
is there help out there
I`t is snowing outside, get off your ass and go outside and shovle it.
Millions Now Living Will.................nevermind District Convention
How about the old standby which is ALWAYS true, do to the nature of time and a perceived end point in the future:
"The Time Left is Reduced."
@ dinah>>> so glad i swallowed my coffee before i read:
Millions Now Living Will.................nevermind District Convention
WTF? Armageddon Still Isn't Here?