Does anyone have a January Our Kingdom Ministry. We just recently moved to the english and we don't have a KM in english. Could you please scan and send to me? Thank you so much!
January 2010 OKM
by jackieareyes 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome to the board! I am sure you will get your request fullfilled soon. :) Whats your story?
Hi and welcome to this site. I hope you find what you're looking for. If I'm not mistaken, the congregation you're in will provide you with the English edition of the OKM.
I believe there's a 1/2010 KM posted at
Our Kingdom Ministry, 2010 January--PDF! Cheers! Atlantis!
Please credit "Fokyc" for the file above!
Atlantis, you look like a horned blueberry.............
Atlantis, you look like a horned blueberry.............
Probably makes me look better that way! New make-over perhaps!
Love ya Blondie!
Cheers! A & N.
During the first month of this new service year 127,652 reported. This is 2,647 more than September 2008. The potential for growth is highlighted by the fact that 54,926 Bible studies were conducted and 200 symbolized their dedication by water baptism.
The OKM quoted there is for Britain. However, on the 2009 Annual Report, shows in Britain, the average publishers was 128,435. So less than 2009 average reported last Sept. Average Bible Studies for 2009 was 55,471 so less than average Bible Studies reported last Sept .
(edited to fix font sizes - Lady Lee)
What happened,,how did that happen?
Anyway, the 2009 avg. pubs, in Britain, was 128,435 (according to their 2009 Annual Report), so their Sept. pubs. was less than average.