Is it acceptable for Christian women to wear hair extensions?
In Bible times, the apostle Peter advised Christian women against "hair braiding and the wearing of expensive garb." The wearing of braids in one's hair has its origins in Babylonian and Greek culture. Says the book Arcane Artistry: Ancient Hairstyles of the Occult, "Hair braiding...was done in an effort to...protect women from the gods, who were said to be ever-lurking and interested in finding multiple new [immoral] partners amongst mortal females. The braids...were an attempt to confuse the gods into believing that women were actually animals being viewed from above." In many lands today, the unscriptural practice of hair braiding continues.
Some may reason that, if others are not necessarily aware of the hairpiece they are wearing, that it is acceptable to wear it. But is it wise to assume what others may or may not be stumbled by? Is it not the course of wisdom to act as wise ones and avoid stumbling others? Also, many women feel it necessary to wear wigs for the sake of concealing their true selves. Is it appropriate for a Christian woman to perhaps withhold critical information about her appearance from a potential or current mate, thus giving a false impression of a finer quality of hair than she actually has? Such behavior would betray a lack of respect for the headship arrangement. Her husband or potential husband has every right to know her intimately, not to be misled about the kind of woman she is on the inside. Humility would require her to not attempt to exaggerate about any aspect of herself.
Consider, too, the fact that many hair extensions are made from 100% human hair. This could be interpreted by some as a form of cannibalism--taking human parts and essentially consuming them by grafting them onto one's body. As cannibalism is a serious sin from God's standpoint, those who dare to disregard him are subject to the serious consequences of such brazen action.
Keep in mind, though, that as Christians, what we do affects others. We do not want to give any cause for stumbling so that no one can find fault with our zealous Christian ministry. It is good, therefore, for mature Christian women to consider these principles and make their own personal decisions carefully.
...This is an easily recognized fake, I hope. But I wanted to see, once more, what people might think.