It took my father a long time to make Elder.
The fact that he couldn't drag his kid into the baptism pool held him back for a while.
This must have been very frustrating for him. He had been a special pio-sneer where there was no need for a new cult, but on his return from years of Watchtower servitude the local division of the cult saw him as a threat to their positions.
I don't actually know for sure if he did make Elder. I haven't bothered to ask. He is 80 something years old now.
The last time I discussed a related subject he denied Watchtower policy.
This doesn't surprise me at all and there are at least two explanations I can think of. He might have deliberately lied, which he does whenever he is backed into a corner, or he doesn't know and has never made Elder. At his age, not to have made Elder would be a major slur on his character and I sincerely hope that is the case. If he lied, he knows he lied, and he knows I know he lied, and I like it like that. He is the one who has to live with it. As far as I am concerned, if any member of any cult has to knowingly lie to me, I have done my job. I don't need them to acknowledge it.