some of you may remember me posting a few days ago that my shop had become some jw's magazine route. Well today the staff who was supposed to man the shop has called in sick, which meant that i had to go in and open up. Who should i find waiting for me on the door step with a big beaming self righteous grin on his face but a JW! He was holding a large stack of english language brochures. He asked me if i remembered him? I said no, since i havn't met him before, he told me that he had called recently and left a brochure with me! Had I read it?
I replied no, and could he please tell his people not to ever call at this shop again. He asked why? I told him i did not agree with his beliefs, he immedatly wanted to know which beliefs? I told him for a start that he belived that Jeruesalem was destoryed in 607, he replied " no no no no! we do not belive this at all!" i said " you do! and you know you do! thats why you also belive in 1914" " no no no we do not belive that anyone knows the date when jesus is coming! in 1914 yes, things changed in the world but the bible says that no one knows when the lord is coming"
i told him i did not agree with him, and to make sure that he made a note that none of his people were to call here in future. He said " but how can you not agree? we are christian like you!" he then started wagging a irrate finger in my face and shouting " you people! you go to war! and you kill eachother in the name of god! we do not do this! can you not see that we are right?!!... what religon are you?"
i told him i was of no religon, " no religon?! but then how can you have no beliefs? what you belive?" i told him i belived in treating others well, being a responsible member of the communtiy and looking out for others and i added " i do not go to war, i don't kill people and i don't agree with your religon!"
by this time he looked furious and the expression on his face was one of foul hatred, the greeks around here would say he was giving me the "evil eye". He asked for his brochure back in a trimupant way, i told him yes i had it and he could have it back. To which he replied excitedly " and did you read it?" i said no and i wouldn't ever. I handed him back his brochure and other magazines that have been left before, he didn't want to take the magazines as he had not left them. I told him to take them away and make sure no one else of his religon ever came round with them again! He left.
I was shaking at the end, not sure why? i'm sure he can figure out that i'm apostate so hopefully he won't be back. I spent the rest of the morning thinking of all the other things i would have liked to have said, but hopefully i will never get a chance...
So its offical! i'm now a Do not call:)