I'm curious if you are "ALLOWED'' to have "friends" of the opposite sex? Or is that a no-no?
If You're Married Or Have A GF, BF,Do You Still Have Friends Of The Opposite Sex?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Spouses and girlfriends come and go. Friendships seem to last longer in my experience. I would never again marry someone who wouldn't "allow" me to do whatever I please.
That's probably why there's no women lining up here.
My wife has male co-workers that are friends, though she doesn't really socialize with them outside work.
I try to NOT have any female friends, too complicated because of my uber-sexiness, women just want me and it very hard to keep faithful to my wife.
Its true.
PSac is kewl.
zombie dub
pretty much all my friends are gals, I find most guys pretty hard to have much of a friendship with
Heck yes, I'm allowed! Hubby is allowed too; goes to the occasional movie with a female buddy from work...
Does your significant other feel it's inappropriate to have a "friend" if you're in a committed relationship?
I know some women who have male friends but they don't broadcast it to their lovers.
As long as they are not 'secret' friends .
I wonder if this question is asked in relation to the world of the Jehovah's witnesses or everyone. If it's everyone, I learned years ago that both parties have a right to have their own friends and their own individualities.
It's not a JW thing.