I need to create a cult
The Gradual Change From Worshiping Jehovah To The Worship Of the Governing Body
by frankiespeakin 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You know…I’m glad that the GB is polluting almost all aspect of the JW programs and activities with their repeated call for obedience. Also, that the conventions (assemblies) and meetings are becoming more dull and lifeless.
I’ve developed a mental taste aversion towards the words “faithful slave”, “the mother organization”, “GB”, “the truth”. A brother was giving a part in the service meeting about two or three weeks ago, he repeatedly used the words “the slave says”, “the slave has instructs us”, and then “we should keep following the guidance of the FDS”....I know this bro very well, so I know that he was not doing this on purpose, it was just a reflection of how deep the indoctrination sinks in a person’s mind. The disgust I was feeling was so evident that my wife asked me “honey, are you ok?” after the meeting some well intended bro and sis approached me asking if I was ok. I’m convinced that one of the major contributing factors to my disillusion with this religion is the GB constant emphasis and outright demand for worship.
Them fools are becoming bolder and bolder.
Hey, this is funny from the Daily Show with John Stewart….
Look at min 2:25 reference to the 144k & JW… LOL
Actually, frankie, organization worship goes back to the days of Russell, though perhaps it was more subtle then. It is also present in the book The Finished Mystery, which is nine parts Russell worship to one part organization worship. Since then it seems to have been on a rollercoaster ride with more emphasis at certain times and less at others. It seems to have been present in its grossest form during Rutherford's and the present (Sorry I can't document, I have no library). It seems to have chilled out during Knorrs administration. It's true that organization worship got into high(er) gear during and after the witch hunt trial of Ray Franz and others (Disfellowshipping rates, which are usually 1% per year went up to 2% for a year or two during the 1980s witch hunts) but as Franz brought out in either Crisis of Conscience or In Search of Christian Freedom there was a continous hammering through the Watchtowers, during the Rutherfordian era, about following the orders of the organization. So much so, that a person who donated those old Rutherfordian era watchtowers to Ray scrawled in one of them "Organization = God". Also to be noted about Rutherford he was responsible for purging nearly 75% of the "Bible Students" for not bowing down to him and the organization he was transforming into his image.
The baptism oath, or the new one, just sums where a follower's heart must be - THE ORGANIZATION.
All you have to do is just listen to their prayers from the platform===bow your heads to the GB.Iam sick of hearing all the praises to the GB.
You're so right Bob. If I hear a brother pray thanking the FDS this or that and GB this or that I just don't even say Amen. During a recent CO visit I didn't even clap for the hard nose traveling servant and his snappy talks. When you're trapped, even a little resistance of this sort brings a good feeling int the heart. Oh, I know the heart is treacherous but more so are the minds of these Governing Body members.
CATTAILS- You are SO correct when you said " I know the heart is treacherous but MORE SO are the minds of these governing body members. " They have ulterior motives for keeping the scam of the WT society going - and it ain't to please Jehovah or help people survive into a paradise ! It's basically to try keeping control and power over their JW members by instilling fear and guilt into them . In that way the WT society can keep printing their yearly WT articles about donating to the alleged " kingdom witnessing " work by getting older JW members to donate inheritances, estates, wills, jewelry, automobiles, life insurance policies , and much $$$$$$ so Teddy Jaracz , the GB, and the WT corporate attorneys can have a lot better retirement than the peon rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses who are encouraged not to be " materialistic " - even encouraged to downscale their employment to pioneer for what ? Not Jehovah, for the LEADERS of the WT cult. It is definitely a dangerous mind control cult which will suck anybody's life away from them that they can
I have noticed the washtowel study articles are mentioning more the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger these days. Before, say in the 1980s, they would mention obeying Jehovah (which, for me, was bad enough). Even back then, you were obeying Jehovah by doing what was in that washtowel.
These days, you are being more directly instructed to obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself. That is blatant idolatry--before, it was hidden (you were worshiping the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, but they hid behind Jehovah's name). All the while, they are leaving Jesus out more and more (which is very odd for a so-called Christian religion, let alone the only true Christian religion). Since when did Jesus tell us that the "Slave" is more important than Jesus himself? If they are going to continue calling themselves a Christian religion, they had better get this straightened out--Christians are supposed to obey Jesus, not Jehovah and for sure not the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.
Nathan Natas
If you examine Watchtowr history, you will discover that as long ago as 1928 there were "apostates" who warned that this was exacctly what Judge Rutherford was doing. Unfortunately, there was no internet back then, and the dissent did not spread as far as it might have.
That's going to change.
yadda yadda 2
I grew up a JW and in all my 35 years in the religion I never ONCE heard a single brother or sister refer to the organisation as their "mother."
WT Wizard, give it a rest with the "filthful and disgraceful slavebugger" said about 10 times in every one of your posts will ya. You sound like a broken record.
I totally agree with you yadda about WTWizard's 'choice' & derogatory language.
So often I want to print off threads like this one for my long time JW parents to read to help them see they are not the only ones to feel at odds with the present day WBTS & WTWizard's obscenities means I cannot do this.
Can't he be asked to stop??