I went to the meeting for the first time in months tonight. During the announcements the presiding overseer mentioned that the "Find a Brother" arrangement was being moved from Wednesday nights to Saturday afternoon. What in the name of God is a "Find a Brother" arrangement? Is this for all those frustrated aging single sisters? What else has changed since I was last at the meeting?
Plus we sang the new songs - which are awful. It's like they sucked the "vigor and vim" right out of them, and they never left me feeling either "vivacious or efficacious".
Plus I noticed they have a list of the old groups on the notice board - even though there are no separate book study groups any more. How sad. I also noticed they don't even bother to include our names in any of the groups any more because we have been inactive for a while. Even sadder.
Everyone is getting so old and tired. It was a rather depleted, decrepit and depressed crowd. Poor sods.