Still coping with physical and emotional abuse..
by ColdRedRain 13 Replies latest jw friends
You wanna add anything else??
Witness 007
Why? That says it all for me. I feel.......blank.
Sorry, I have bad ram so it's hard for me to point and click. Anyway, this is what's happening with me right now. As of this week, I'm in a new, healthier situation where I'm living with a healthier family than I'm living with today. I'm living with my best buddy and his family. But come a new house, comes new bumps and thumps and new personalities.
I still have the same fears of the physical and emotional abuse I faced from my mom and dad carrying over into the new house. At any moment, I'm afraid that the owners of the new house would either call me "stupid", berate me emotionally or attack me much like what my brother, mother and father did while I was growing up. It's gotten to the point where I can't concentrate and where I'm perpetually withdrawn in the room I'm staying in. Last night, I came to the house too late. I was nearly crying when that happened because I was afraid the father in that house would yell at me and start approching me in an aggressive manner, much like my family would do if I did the same. How did other survivors of physical and emotional abuse learn how to cope with the abuse?
BTW, my brother, the same one that attacked me numerous times, to the point where I had to learn martial arts to survive contacted me again, triggering my PTSD meltdown...
Please see a counselor.
So your family is no more... good. You got away from the nutbags; good.
It's time to leave them behind forever, maybe? You can't let idiots control your life anymore. You were technically stuck and there was nothing that you could do about it; now you can just not contact them anymore...
But I fully agree with Minimus, you should be talking with a counsellor and ensuring that things are okay with you.
See? Things can work out if you just hang in there... I remember you were very near the edge a long time ago. Always remember that there is light at the end of the tunnell, and sometimes it's hard to see a way out even when there appears to be none. Please never be rash, and learn from everything.
Glad you're still on this planet, and please talk to someone other than a gay monkey. (shame on you!)
Seek counselling - believe me it really helps.
I'm going to arrange for a therapy session, flying turdman.
If you need someone the the MN area we can get together and talk if you would like.