I've been trying to get my GED for a few months now. I bought some books and have been working through them on my own. I came to a road block working on my own, and I decided to go for free classes offered by my local school district. I signed up for them this past Tuesday. The first thing they do is test you to see where you are. I did that Tuesday. I went back the next day to take more in depth tests to see where I need the help most. I passed those tests with a good enough score to take the pretests for the GED. They give those tests to see if you could pass the GED test. They won't send you to take the GED test without them. I passed the pre GED tests with flying colors. They look for a score of over 410 in all the tests before they let you move on the the actual GED test. I got 680 on both reading and social studies, I got a 580 on science, I got a 600 on writing, and a 490 on math. I finished the pretests Thursday night.
I got the ok to take the GED tests next week. I know I'm weak on math so after I take the test and pass it I can go back and work on my math skills as a "transitional" student until I can go to college in the summer. I have to take a entrance exam to get into college. The GED test is a 10 hour exam, given over 2 days. If I pass all the tests with a higher then 410 I will have the equivalent to a high school diploma.
I never expected to get this far this fast. I expected to be in classes for a few months to work on my math skills. I tried this process about 12 years ago, and I was in class for a few weeks when I just got bored and stopped going. I've come a long way since then I guess. I've been working very hard on this. I should know in a few weeks if I passed all the tests. The only one I'm worried about is math. I can retake the math portion if I need to. It's an additional 10.00 to retake a portion of the test if needed.
I don't know for sure what I want to study yet in college. I'm hoping to find something I like and will be good at. I am planning on talking to my local community college after I pass the tests.