Well, I can't blame anyone else for the decisions in my life. But, the organization promoted, don't go to college, pioneer right out of high school, which I did. Now, I wish would have went for the extra schooling. And the biggie for me,is not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. I had planned to be married with children right now. But, big areas of my life were stunted it seems because of being raised a Witness. I have a lot of catching up to do and it's a bit overwhelming really. Besides trying to find my own personal truth and being devastated that all my sacrifices were for nothing!
Did You Feel Let Down By Jehovah & The "Brothers"?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
I can relate to EmptyInside's comment. My experience with JWs began when I was about 9 years old and I finally got a divorce and left when I was 41. I found myself to be socially awkward in the real world. My associations had been so limited and my world view so narrow that i was ill-equipped to function in society. It took a while to develop the social skills I needed and I am a naturally out-going person. For someone who tends to be shy, it must be a nightmare to get out there. This is what life in a cult does to people and is the reason in my opinion why so many stay trapped. We have been taught to be so fearful of the world that it is just easier to stay in the org.
Contrary to Truthseekerian, none of the individual brothers or sisters ever disappointed me, but Jehovah did. He'd been the most important person in my life, the friend I thought would never fail, but when my faith began to weaken and I prayed for two solid years, many prayers a day, that He would restore my faith, while I remained as involved as ever in spiritual activities, He didn't answer my prayers. I couldn't understand why. I felt so let down...
As I see it now, maybe He doesn't exist, or He doesn't care or He's not so powerful or He's dead or... who knows? But He's still very, very dear to me...
For a while I felt very angry at the elders for teaching what I knew was b.s. But then I just realized they don't know any better themselves and so now I just feel sorry for them.
Did you find yourself disappointed in your life as a Jehovah's Witness?
No, not disappointed per se. But I do feel there's been good and bad in my life as a JW.
I'm disappointed in the people I thought would be more loving and Christian, but I found
that many JWs I knew when younger, as I grew up, I saw more and more of their flaws.
It's like along with the wrinkles of aging in their familiar faces I also saw the hypocrisy, the
mean spiritedness, the Lording it over others, the holier than thou attitudes... this was
truly disappointing. But then again there are people who I love dearly and I know deep
in my heart that they are victims in the truest sense of the word, but despite this fact
they try to do good for others no matter what. These people encouraged me and continue
to encourage me today.