i really didn't expect so many replies so quickly. thanks for all the support, but i do want to make something clear-
i am not as clever as some of you seem to think.
really it's hats off to my father, open mind, for waking up, taking us out slowly, breaking this stuff to me gently, and cracking down to having Santa Witch fly not just once but twice for my fantastic Df'ed uncle. Mind you, i did have some doubts and dissagreements which probably should have woken me up. "why is it so bad to say happy birthday? is it really wrong? what morals am i ignoring?" some of the stupid doctrines that JDubs spout out and are all "sieg heil!" about, i began to have doubts. i didn't say anything seeing how the almighty, all-powerful jehovah was flying over me wating to smite my insignifcant soul. what a great religion. i figured my dad and mom would agree that some things were stupid but we need to do what have to, to earn "eternal life" and live petting lions and eating veggie burgers for eternity.
lastly, brownie points to looking4peace, billy the ex-bethelite and onthewayout, some of you i've met, you're fantastic people, and my dad says the rest of you are pretty great too. thanks for all the support!
Torn In Two Son (yeah, i did that on purpose, it took me a minute to think of one that worked :D )